Joan Laporta


Senior Member
What an idiot. :lol:

Good that EPL clubs backed out and stopped this shit.

He can make his "super" league with Perez, Atletico, and some washed-up Italian teams, most of which can't even make it past group stages in the current CL.

He should prove he is a good president and find actual solid ways to improve the finances of the club. Because if this "super" league was his salvation plan, it's hilarious.
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New member
While it certainly would have been nice to have a president just stand up and take responsibility and say "Barca will work out our debts, even if we'll have a few rough years", this is top level football. Everyone's an opportunistic POS, Laporta included. That's why they voted him over Font - pragmatism over naivety.

The league is still dead though, so backing it at this moment achieves nothing, as far as I can see. It would surely have been better politically for him just to stick the boot into Barto and Perez and say "we're backed into a corner, I have no choice".


Culé de Celestial Empire
While it certainly would have been nice to have a president just stand up and take responsibility and say "Barca will work out our debts, even if we'll have a few rough years", this is top level football. Everyone's an opportunistic POS, Laporta included. That's why they voted him over Font - pragmatism over naivety.

The league is still dead though, so backing it at this moment achieves nothing, as far as I can see. It would surely have been better politically for him just to stick the boot into Barto and Perez and say "we're backed into a corner, I have no choice".

Having read the club statement on this, I actually appreciate that Laporta didn't lie and shift all the blame to Perez and Bartomeu etc. It was pretty straight forward, "We thought it was a good idea, we had the need and that's why we sign up to it. However we understand the reactions so far so we will tread carefully". If he had tried to blame everything on Perez and Bartomeu and tried to appear innocent it would have been a lot, lot worse in my opinion. Would have been a weasel.


Senior Member
The league is still dead though, so backing it at this moment achieves nothing, as far as I can see. It would surely have been better politically for him just to stick the boot into Barto and Perez and say "we're backed into a corner, I have no choice".

ESL is needed for leverage in negotiations, it is clear that is what Laporta is doing.
"Oh, we are sorry UEFA, forgive us please" isn't exactly a way to gain some leverage for the parties involved .

Laporta seem to have a good relationship with Cerafin or whatever his name, he made it clear he wants to negotiate with UEFA.

tbh, I think Laporta will probably be the main negotiator on behalf of Spanish and Italian clubs, while Perez and Agnelli taking back seats after all the bad blood with UEFA
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Culé de Celestial Empire
ESL is needed for leverage in negotiations, it is clear tgat is what Laporta is doing.
"Oh, we are sorry UEFA, forgive us please" isn't exactly a way to gain some leverage for the parties involved .

Laporta seem to have a good relationship with Cerafin or whatever his name, he mafe it clear he wants to negotiate with UEFA.

tbh, I think Laporta will probably be the main negotiating on behalf of Spanish and Italian clubs, while Perez and Agnelli taking back seats after all the bad blood with UEFA

:lol: Sounds like the name of a drug for constipation...


Senior Member
They are basically saying that mediterranian Europe can no longer financially compete with England and through Covid our debt management has become unsustainable overnight. This is the underlying issue behind Florentino's and Laporta's motive's.

If things don't change then the top end of Europe will be competed between EPL, PSG (oil club) and Bayern who hold a monopoly on Bundesliga produced talent. Which long term surely harms the revenue of the UCL if it is just an extended competition of the Premier League. In that way UEFA stopped the ESL NBA but under their nose England has become the legalised NBA, government backed and sold without needing to appease EU legislation anymore.

The question to Spain/Italy/Florentino/Laporta is if this is just the next evolutionary step in the capitalist nature of European football.

But we can't blame them for trying to be part of the table and not become part of the menu like all the other nations and big clubs before.
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Well-known member
People say PL is unstoppable for like 10 years already, but as of now they still don't dominate Europe. So we'll see how bad it'll get.

If anything Barca destroyed itself anyway, no matter how much money PL clubs have they still can't afford to buy 3 bums for 400M :lol:

Barca the last couple of years is pretty much the perfect example of how money alone doesn't get you anywhere. Billion euro squad and the key players nowadays are for the most part still the same as many years ago. Now we even have some kids again that outperform a lot of our expensive players, but not even because they are so great it's just how badly the money was spent.

Not being the biggest fish anymore won't be the end of the world, and the club will survive without Super League. But i totally see why Laporta would agree to this, of course he and Perez would rather be in for Haaland, Mbappe etc instead of taking a step back.
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El Gato

People say PL is unstoppable for like 10 years already, but as of now they still don't dominate Europe. So we'll see how bad it'll get.

That's not the point really.
They have the most money.
Real and Barca TV revenue fractions are 22.8 and 34%. EPL clubs it's about 50% at the top level - almost as large a fraction as some mid-table La Liga clubs, but for the latter it's because they don't have as large a marketing presence, for EPL TV money is just H U G E. And it won't get easier.

Because of that, the other leagues will not be as attractive a destination as they could be. And all it really takes for that 'domination' to start is for one of these oil clubs to win the trophy on merit, this year or the next few. Helps the others get rid of mental blocks. PSG is closest already.


Senior Member
That's not the point really.
They have the most money.
Real and Barca TV revenue fractions are 22.8 and 34%. EPL clubs it's about 50% at the top level - almost as large a fraction as some mid-table La Liga clubs, but for the latter it's because they don't have as large a marketing presence, for EPL TV money is just H U G E. And it won't get easier.

Because of that, the other leagues will not be as attractive a destination as they could be. And all it really takes for that 'domination' to start is for one of these oil clubs to win the trophy on merit, this year or the next few. Helps the others get rid of mental blocks. PSG is closest already.

Pretty much. There's more to football than spending big bucks but it certainly helps. I'm pretty sure clubs like West Ham, Newcastle, and the likes spend more than clubs like Sevilla lol, and it's only going to get worse.

Don't think we can afford any player in Leicester's squad btw.


Active member
Pretty much. There's more to football than spending big bucks but it certainly helps. I'm pretty sure clubs like West Ham, Newcastle, and the likes spend more than clubs like Sevilla lol, and it's only going to get worse.

Don't think we can afford any player in Leicester's squad btw.

And we shouldn't afford them. They are overrated. PL clubs have more money, but the players from their league are very overrated from a financial point of view. I mean, let's see someone like Maguire. He'll never,ever, in a million years will be a 80 million euros player. He wasn't even young when he was bought either. So every semi decent player can be transferred with a lot of money. This is true in all world football, but in England is even worse. So yes, they have more money. but they also lose a lot of that money on overrated bums.


Senior Member
�� Thought this guy was going to bring in Naglesman. What happened to that? Been alot of talk from Laporta but not much action.

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