Joan Laporta


Re: Laporta

I'm really lost, I thought you hated the Boixos Nois and really supported Laporta, you used to say on other forum that you dont even rate the Boixos Nois as Barça supporters.

Something went wrong somewhere .. but anyways to be fair I'm not a Laporta Fan myself, but all I'm saying is that you cant really blame the guy. You can see what the Boixos Nois did in Espanyol, violence is not good, and Laporta already said that he is against any act of Violence and that Barcelona are not responsible for what the Boixos Nois do on many ocassions.
So imajine what his image will turn into if he decides to unban them and welcome them in the stadium. He would'nt do that and I doubt that any new President will also unban the Boixos Nois.
I'm not saying that I like Laporta, I was hoping he lost in the vote of no confidence .. but he won, and I think he made the right choice by appointing Guardiola as choice, and so far we are having a great season. 11 wins and 1 draw, not bad eh?
Liam I have'nt been to the Camp Nou like you or any Barça match for that matter, but I can only suggest you stop hanging around with these people, and maybe you will be allowed to attend matches again.


Re: Laporta

BOIXOS1981 said:
I´m a soci, but no one is a member of the Boixos Nois. Because we´re not a Penya anymore because of Laporta. Membership wouldn´t be the smartest idea either because of the police got a hold we´d be in trouble

I wanna see Boixos Nois again.


Staff member
Re: Laporta

Not all Boixos are bad. And I don`t rate them as violent, in comparison with the rest of the Worlds fans.
I don`t condone violence, but one flare thrown is hardly a big deal


Re: Laporta

Like I said, I've never been to the Camp Nou, so I don't know anything about the atmosphere there or the Boixos Nois, but this was'nt the first time they caused trouble, I mean people could be killed or injured when you do things like that, Violence should'nt be invovled with football.

Ofcourse not all them are bad people, but from what I hear they don't sound like good people.


Re: Laporta

Evil said:
I'm really lost, I thought you hated the Boixos Nois and really supported Laporta, you used to say on other forum that you dont even rate the Boixos Nois as Barça supporters.

Something went wrong somewhere .. but anyways to be fair I'm not a Laporta Fan myself, but all I'm saying is that you cant really blame the guy. You can see what the Boixos Nois did in Espanyol, violence is not good, and Laporta already said that he is against any act of Violence and that Barcelona are not responsible for what the Boixos Nois do on many ocassions.
So imajine what his image will turn into if he decides to unban them and welcome them in the stadium. He would'nt do that and I doubt that any new President will also unban the Boixos Nois.
I'm not saying that I like Laporta, I was hoping he lost in the vote of no confidence .. but he won, and I think he made the right choice by appointing Guardiola as choice, and so far we are having a great season. 11 wins and 1 draw, not bad eh?
Liam I have'nt been to the Camp Nou like you or any Barça match for that matter, but I can only suggest you stop hanging around with these people, and maybe you will be allowed to attend matches again.

Because mate I didn´t understand the whole Boixos Nois thing. The violence is caused by different sections, you know everyone who was arrested in Espanyol were all from Girona. Different sections some people are wankers, some are foreign, have different political views but with the love for Barça. You´ve got for example the hard-core violent sections Toxiocs Ventura, FCB Casual and Combat FCB the majority being fascist. Camp Nou hasn´t got an atmosphere it´s a load of bollocks. Instead of all the Boixos who aren´t banned entering in another part of the ground you´ve got 50 people that sing in the general and 20 in the Almogavers section. Police didn´t report me being banned to the club so nothing has happened.


Re: Laporta

Ok .. So the Boixos Nois are divided ? Some cause trouble, some are real Barça supporters, some are Nazi's. I understand your point Liam but as long as all of you go under the same name "Boixos Nois" poeple will treat ya'll the same. Like if one section causes trouble, the whole Boixos Nois will be labelled as bad.
Anyways I'm sure your pissed off, I'd hate to be in Barcelona and not able to go to the Camp Nou, hope you get unbanned mate ! ;)


Re: Laporta

Well thats the strange thing club say they´ve had no report from the police but police said I was banned. I was there for Benidorm and no one said anything.


Re: Laporta

God, Homeland And Barça

Yassin Belassal an 18 years old Barça fan in Morocco has been granted conditional freedom after serving 6 weeks of an 18 month sentence for writing Barça where he should have written King. During the break between classes, he wrote the motto of Morocco, "God, Homeland, King", but he replaced the last word for "Barça". This idea wasn't appreciated by the direction of the high school of Ait Ourir, a town near Marrakech, and they denounced the facts to the Police. The agents interviewed the kids, even using violence, according to the newspaper Al Jarida, and Belassal confessed to be the author of the crime.

You can't make jokes with the name of the king in Morocco. The attorney of Marrakech accused him of lacking respect to Mohamed VI. After a summary proceeding, where the guy didn't even have an advocate, Belassal was condemned to 18 months of prison. Tonight Belassal is at home again with his family.

The man who works so hard to defend human rights did nothing to help this kid, just real shows what kind of a prick Laporta is! And as well if any Boixos have flags of scarffs in our stadium we are automaticly thrown out the ground. Thats why theres been no flag in gol nord. Another supporter was also banned from the game for haveing the Boixos Nois flag!




Re: Laporta

No he won´t, I don´t personally care if he does but it´s his problem for promoting Barça with all this Unicef shite and right to free-speach.


Staff member
Re: Laporta

I think he`s doing it only for self-promotion and we all know that Unicef deal on our shirt (however noble it is) is only a stepping stone towards a regular sponsorship logo.
I`d say he`s not the best president we had, but he`s not the worst either.
Losing fans support is one of his latest "achievements". But Liam could tell us more about that, I`m sure.


Re: Laporta

People don´t go to Camp Nou because they don´t care at all for the club. Because of Laporta and other people our support comes from upper-class wankers and political nut cases! It´s kind of a system in Barça Rich people first, tourists after, Penya people, Foreign fans, the Socis and then us the hard-core! We´re treat like animals even the president claims we´re not FCB fans. Tell me this Laporta am I not a fan for going to every home game this season? For traveling to 2 friendlies and 2 away games this season?. In fairness he´s tried to get support back into the stadium. We can now print tickets at home, everyday some lass gives me a leaflet of games being played from the club. We´ve a La Botiga over the road. Offical club store. Camp Nou for one has no atmosphere what ever little it did have is now gone, so being in the stadium is like going to the theater. No one watches the game they just sit there eat sandwitches and talk shite. Theres so many tickerts given away to random people and too many tourists as well as people who have season tickets. Maybe about 80.000 in total(1999-98,000 season ticket holders!) already have a ticket for the game. I´d say Barça are lucky to sell about 15,000 for a game in all honesty.

Laporta is turning this club into a complete joke for the world of football. We´ve no active ultra or hooligan firm in our stadium! Charitable donations worth nothing with make Laporta feel like The Pope. This propaganda that we´re some social and political phononeman is bollacks (The brother in-law of Laporta who was on the board for a few days, which was known by Laporta. The man was part of the Francisco Franco Foundation, An organisation which supports what he did and promotes Fascism. But appartenly we´re fascist where is the logic?), you must be a Catalan Nationalsit to be considering a Culé. If your Spanish your on the same level as us. He´s turining us into another attraction on the Barcelona City Tour bus. Més que un club? (Stolen from an ex-president in the 70´s Miro-Sants I think)

Lapota hijo de puta!


Re: Laporta

He looks like a badass, Mafia gangster in that picture :lol: All he needs is a black hat ,,

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