Joan Laporta


New member
Re: Laporta

BOIXOS1981 = liam? or what eva his name was...

If so, it sounds like you hate laporta. Yet from the other barca website we all used to go to, you made countless posts how much you loved him.

If its not liam please forgive me.


Re: Laporta

I´ve seen the real side now mate, and to be honest it´s sick.


Staff member
Re: Laporta

Not much to choose from. It`s either Soriano or Rosell. I doubt we`ll see anyone else emerging as a candidate. But maybe someone knows better...

Cule Angles

Visca el filòsof!
Re: Laporta

We need a president who will carry on the Laportista project and to be honest both Rosell and Soriano would do that. Although Sandro fell out with Laporta he was there at the beginning and came from the elefant blau group so shares the same ethos as Laporta even if he disagrees with how JL has conducted himself in various aspects. When it comes to the elections I will have to see what each of the candidates offers before casting my vote.


I walk the line
Re: Laporta

CA...i just had a look on fcbweb at your laporta 'blog' post. Would u mind posting it here?

Cule Angles

Visca el filòsof!
Re: Laporta

As requested:

He is many people’s favourite scapegoat, but as we head towards the ‘equator’ (as they say in Spain) of the 08/09 season I feel that a lot of credit is owed to our president and most of it is going unpaid. This campaign shows every sign of being hugely successful and just as we look to criticise the man at the top in barren times, so must we give him his dues in times of plenty.

Late last season Laporta showed great steel, whilst everyone around him lost their head, the one man who couldn’t afford to did not. Kipling identified that quality as the true mark of a man; I see it as the mark of a true leader. Laporta lost friends and colleagues as the fervour whipped up by Oriol Giralt and his minions threatened to overwhelm Barça but he never lost his nerve.

This is not an unequivocal apology for Laporta and all he has done; I merely seek to provide a bit of balance against the voices that shout so loudly when the president proves his humanity by making a mistake. At times Joan has acted in a manner unbefitting a president of FC Barcelona, his style of leadership has succeeded in alienating many members of his original board but two years of sporting failure largely caused by others (please not the use of the word ‘largely’ I do not absolve the president of all blame) by no means serves as justification for ousting a man who has provided economic rejuvenation, two leagues, a champions league and a style of football that proves the president’s credentials as a man who is Barça to the core.

Laporta took over with Barça on the brink of financial oblivion and through his restructuring of the club; through his canny choices of personnel and through his enthusiastic leadership he achieved a sporting rejuvenation of FC Barcelona. As we are becoming all too aware, the economy is cyclical, it suffers peaks and troughs. The same is true of football. The key in all of this is how our leaders succeed in keeping us at the peak and how they manage to ensure that we don’t stay in a trough for too long. This is partly achieved by building solid foundations that can be built upon once more if the walls fall down as they inevitably will at some point.

Certain political figures forgot the benefit of solid foundations, content to enjoy life on the crest of the wave whilst not bothering to consider the consequences when they hit shore. Ramon Calderón forgot about his foundations, spending wildly and failing to adequately manage the youth system whilst Laporta has dedicated his presidency to Barça’s foundations. This is why we are seeing the phoenix rise from the flames far more rapidly and dramatically than we dared thought possible in the summer after the side which should have been the second incarnation of the Dream Team found itself resembling a pile of smouldering ashes; the ambition, the hope and the ability drained away. Because of our solid foundations of financial stability and a Masia replete with talent we were able to bring through new blood from outside and from within Meanwhile the club continues with a consistent and professional policy of contract renewals to ensure that the team has continuity. Through this policy as well as the promotion of La Masia Laporta has ensured that the fans have a side they can identify with. Long term symbols of the Barça of this generation maintain the same spirit, the same style and the same identity. Names such as Etoo, Puyol, Xavi, Valdes have been ever present for much of Laporta’s reign. Few other sides enjoy such stability in their playing personnel and it is only through constructing this long term spine for the team that allows Barça to be regenerated with just a few tweaks of the supporting cast.

We may not have a perfect President but in Joan Laporta we have a man who is now on course to build his second successful Barça side whilst promising to leave a legacy of renewed impetus from socis and penyes as well as a solid business model and a renewed sense of lustre about Futbol Club Barcelona. It’s very easy to knock the man at the top, at times it’s positively fashionable but as culés we have a responsibility to balance the criticism with the acknowledgment and respect that our President has earnt.


Re: Laporta

He is good but Barca could won some titles in last 2 years, we had the best squad but Rijkaard got a little lazy


Staff member
Re: Laporta

Nice post CA. I`d say he has that entrepreneur string that allows him to make risky decisions + he had a fair deal of luck on his side. Starting with his failed Beckham transfer, which allowed us to get Ronaldinho instead, up until his hunch decision to hire Pep.


Staff member
Laporta was visiting India recently. Barca helped opening 2 International Network of Solidarity Centres. A noble deed by FC Barcelona president


I walk the line
I hope he didnt drop his trousers at the airport lol

Anyway ive been a supporter of laporta (should that be a s'laporta? no? ok maybe not :lol: ..) since the beginning. He has lead this club superbly over the years and cemented us as the greatest club (in my totally and utterly unbiased opinion lol) of the last 5 years. Even when rijkaard was doing poorly i credit him for not being a real prick about it and firing him mid-season. I dont think he won many new fans when he hired pep, but although i was a bit curious about it to say the least, i defended his descision. I dont think anyone knew how well pep would do though..but its turning out to be a master stroke by laporta.

Forsa laporta...

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