Joan Laporta


Active member
It turns out supported.
Eduard Romeu, vicepresident del FC Barcelona, presenta el pressupost de l'exercici econ?mic 2021/22


Senior Member
Keep calm man returns with another video

🎙 [@JoanLaportaFCB] | Joan Laporta: "Hello cul?rs! The club is alive and works democratically."

Laporta: "The proof is that the compromissory members, yesterday at the Assembly, proposed to go and watch the match against Valencia, and that we could continue another day, and that is what we did."

Laporta: "The Assembly will continue this Saturday at 3pm [CET], where we will continue talking about Espai Bar?a. They will have two options - to say yes or no - if the final decision is yes, it will need to be ratified by a referendum of all the members."

Laporta: "I wanted to talk about one more thing: we need your support. Come to encourage the team. The players need it. They need to feel your encouragement. It happened against Valencia. When the public started to encourage the team we got back in the game."

Laporta: "Now we need you to come to the match against Dynamo Kiev on Wednesday. Come to support the team. It is the Champions League, we need it. I know you will come. And I am sure you will also come this Sunday against Madrid."

Laporta: "The players need you to stand by them to achieve the victory. And as all of you know: I si tots animem, guanyarem [And if we all cheer, we will win!"


Senior Member
Laporta is doing a good job so far. And I am his biggest hater.

Yep, I was supporting Font in the elections, but truth has to be said.

It's an 8/10 up to now IMO

If he manages to renew Araujo, Gavi, and Dembele,
And to cut the wages of Umtiti and Coutinho
Then it's a 10/10 first year for him..

After that, next things to judge on will be the transfer business in the summer
Next coach the most important
New players incoming


Senior Member
Yep, I was supporting Font in the elections, but truth has to be said.

It's an 8/10 up to now IMO

If he manages to renew Araujo, Gavi, and Dembele,
And to cut the wages of Umtiti and Coutinho
Then it's a 10/10 first year for him..

After that, next things to judge on will be the transfer business in the summer
Next coach the most important
New players incoming

9/10 for me the way hes basically dealth with the financial doom the club is facing. And getting rid of Griezman and his imposslbe to get rid of contarct.
would be 10/10 if not for messi thing.


Culé de Celestial Empire
The notion proposed by the club to modify Article 12 (opening up membership to online registration) and 16 & 23 (club granting penyes as opposed to the World Penyes Confederation does and the power they have etc.) is being challenged by some delegates. Legitimate concerns about whether external forces will grab membership and seize control of the club.


Well-known member
I'm totally against the idea. External members are in no touch with what's going on at the club whatsoever, especially La Masia. Just look at the Arsenal model, their owner is an American, Stan Kroenke, who has no idea what footb... excuse me, soccer is all about.


Culé de Celestial Empire
I'm totally against the idea. External members are in no touch with what's going on at the club whatsoever, especially La Masia. Just look at the Arsenal model, their owner is an American, Stan Kroenke, who has no idea what footb... excuse me, soccer is all about.

It looks like Laporta is trying to open up the membership mostly for economic gains (not that much actually, around 30m a year from about 150,000 socis). I'd only welcome the idea of online registration if there is mechanism in place to stop from dubious and group membership registration and hostile takeovers. Otherwise, don't do it. From what MD has reported, Laporta and his team don't have any ideas. Technology alone will not stop it.


Culé de Celestial Empire
Just give the online membership a different name and give it less power. Problem solved.

They already have Culers Membership thing, certainly not as expensive as the real membership, so far nobody knows how successful the program is.

Having more socis is a good thing but we shouldn't do it just for monetary needs and we must not leave any room for it to be abused.


Well-known member
It looks like Laporta is trying to open up the membership mostly for economic gains (not that much actually, around 30m a year from about 150,000 socis). I'd only welcome the idea of online registration if there is mechanism in place to stop from dubious and group membership registration and hostile takeovers. Otherwise, don't do it. From what MD has reported, Laporta and his team don't have any ideas. Technology alone will not stop it.

I agree that this move is based on economic gains. As @Horatio mentioned if it's regulated and restricted, to not interfere with major club decision policies, then I'm okay with it. But the prospect of an UAE/Saudi Arabian prince dictating decisions - no.


Culé de Celestial Empire
I agree that this move is based on economic gains. As @Horatio mentioned if it's regulated and restricted, to not interfere with major club decision policies, then I'm okay with it. But the prospect of an UAE/Saudi Arabian prince dictating decisions - no.

That is the thing, if they open up membership then all members are equal, a soci is a soci, there can be no different classes and categories among the socis. That's why they need to be really prudent about this and Laporta doesn't appear to have thought it through and have come up with the answers. He was just being asked by a delegate what happens if 10 years from now we have 500,000 socis and there are more socis outside of Catalonia than those from Catalonia, he said "we will have to assume it (?)", whatever that means.

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