Joan Laporta


Well-known member
As if him being there would change anything. As president he has other things to do than jetting to Qatar to sign a new coach. Would been a different story if it was for a major sponsorship deal.

In Xavi's case, the club sent the two highest people in the pecking order of sporting belongings. Rafa Yuste is vice president and responsible for the Sporting area. Mateu Alemany is director of football. Nothing wrong with that. It's not that they sent Ramon Planes.


Mike the Knife
Exactly, it's a nonsensical power play move by a petro state trying to yet again buy credibility & extort Barca - love that Laporta didn't cater to the sheikhs


Staff member
I don't appreciate Gulf states, those Zionist lapdogs, but I still don't see a big issue of going there to conclude the deal. Presidents flew for much less important stuff.

Laporta handled Messi, Koeman and Xavi deal with bad manner.


Senior Member
Exactly, it's a nonsensical power play move by a petro state trying to yet again buy credibility & extort Barca - love that Laporta didn't cater to the sheikhs

Yet Barca will take the money from Saudi Arabia to send the team there and give them the lime light for the Maradona game.

Stop spouting shite and make this about some moral crusade from Barca against the 'petro state' of Qatar.

Trying too hard to make Laporta come out smelling of roses when you are actually making him look a hypocrite.

Barca have never been 'extorted' by Qatar either and Laporta not going could contribute to paying them more so that argument fails also.
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6racies Xavi
Pay almost 20M to fire Koeman , then pay an additional 5M + wages to get Xavi only for this team the end most likely top 4 on both occasions. Great stuff.


Senior Member
Top leadership.

Refuse to go across to Qatar. Send couple of lads on a wasted trip.

Waste almost two weeks and give 5m to Qatar.

'8/10' stuff.


Senior Member
Top leadership.

Refuse to go across to Qatar. Send couple of lads on a wasted trip.

Waste almost two weeks and give 5m to Qatar.

'8/10' stuff.

Why not 10/10? He really tries hard! :D Can't believe we have actually wasted 5 mil when we didn't have to. :facepalm:


Senior Member
I will not be summoned, you will talk to who I send, if you don't like that, well okay, take this money & go fuck yourself.

Leadership, this isn't bartomeu & his "board", we ain't bitches no more, that players, agents, clubs, janitors, wives, everyone jack rabbit, will have us jump at there every word.

Yes I will he summoned to Qatar by people who have done nothing but try to undermine my club for years now to save 5m euros 😆.

Leadership, no a *board",
Leadership something I've been saying for years here, some people just don't understand it.


Senior Member
It's a new era, president for life we slowly but surely getting our manhood back after 10 years of being led by a Nancy boy.

Bartomeu would definitely have flown to Qatar do save 5m euros Jesus Christ it's so much money it will bankrupt us, & then the next weak give gavi a 13m euros per season contract. 😂


Senior Member
Barca 'aint bitches' and just payed 5m to Qatar.

Let that one sink in. Moan for years about Barca links to Qatar then pay THEM money.

Usual happy clappers think Laporta won here by not going and the club PAYING Qatar for first time.

Mental gymnastics.

Qatar won here. Simple.

Even better... make out it is a moral crusade against Qatar when Laporta gets up to his own shady deals and also takes money from Saudi Arabia and will take team there to perform.


Senior Member
Bitches get summoned by boy, but some people don't understand that, can't help that.

Oh well such is life.

I would love to see the Qatari summon roman & see if he would be like hey, where do you want to meet, or would he want send who he wants to send & If that doesn't work pay the money & get his man

some people just don't understand, because it's the board that made us great afterall, the same people on that board that ruined us I might add.


Senior Member
Laporta has nothing against Qatar or 'Petro States' he lied to try and attack previous deals by board.

Evident in how he will deal with Saudi Arabia and take cash to allow them to use Barca name for promotion.

Added to that he has Barca paying them. What a moral stance that was! Make club pay for personal pride and not being able to back down from obviously fake moral stance.

Top stuff.


Saudi Arabia 'summoned' Barca for 3m. The whole team being made to go there.

Whats the difference? Previous board dealt with Qatar and for that 5m is paid to the state Laport makes a stance against.

Jammy jnr trying to troll as know it is ludicrous.
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Senior Member
Said nothing about moral stance & Pedro state, nor does he care about that stuff obviously, so I don't even know what that non point is trying to get at, it's about leadership, something I know some here don't understand.

What did Qatar want more than anything else? For laporta to fly to Qatar.

What did they not get?....

What did they get? 5m euros for people who probably give that to their kids as an allowance, but yea some are making it out as of we gave them 500,000,000, because if its not in the 9 degits these people don't care.

It was at no point about the money them, it was about respect, it was about showing laporta & the world that this little boy is my bitch, if I want him to come he will come, I will summon him.

Which he was never gonna do, because he isn't build like that bitch Bartomeu


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