Said nothing about moral stance & Pedro state, nor does he care about that stuff obviously, so I don't even know what that non point is trying to get at, it's about leadership, something I know some here don't understand.
What did Qatar want more than anything else? For laporta to fly to Qatar.
What did they not get?....
What did they get? 5m euros for people who probably give that to their kids as an allowance, but yea some are making it out as of we gave them 500,000,000, because if its not in the 9 degits these people don't care.
It was at no point about the money them, it was about respect, it was about showing laporta & the world that this little boy is my bitch, if I want him to come he will come, I will summon him.
Which he was never gonna do, because he isn't build like that bitch Bartomeu