Absolute bullshit, The only way it can be "acceptable" to be this fat is 1) genetic thing 2) taking medicine side effects of which makes you fat
My father is a second case. He has a prostata cancer that rtelapse somem years ago and they said he'll die soon, if not tsking certain medicine. Not sure how good that medicine is, but its side effects made him really fat and weak. He wants to live more years so he takes it, but he has gotten really weak and fat. He was really quite fit and healthy for a guy in his late 60s, but that medicine made him really look old now at his 72.
In case of Laporta. if he doesn't have any illness and is just incredibly fat just like that, it means he's a gluttonous cretin, who can't control his vices. For a person, who want to achieve thing, he really should think about his own stature first. Just stop being such a weak and lazy man for fucks sake! He's good representation what Barca as a football club has become. Weak, complacent hive of amigos instead of a proficient fighting unit.
First of all, sorry to hear about your father. It’s never an easy thing to see someone you care about go down hill.
Your father has a medical condition, so his example is not applicable to the discussion at hand. It does not contradict my opinion.
The Anglo Saxon hemisphere is riddled in unhealthy ingredients, so we oftentimes assume that excessive weight gain is bad for us (in absolute terms), for the diet is oftentimes unhealthy. My opinion contradicts this mindset. That is, 1 kilo of animal fat is not equivalent to the equivalent liter quantity of olive oil (measured in calories). Both may result in similar weight gain, but different foods have different consequences on our bodies.
Of course, obesity is never ideal, and I am not endorsing an unhealthy lifestyle riddled in gluttony, alcohol and cigarettes, as someone mentioned above. But I’d rather be overweight from a Mediterranean diet than an Anglo-Saxon or Scandinavian diet. Well, some Scandinavian diets are healthier than others.
Different diets affect our health differently, and weight is merely one metric of many used to measure health.