Joan Laporta


President of FC Barcelona
Most likely won't win if this team wins the CL. Bartomeu can thank Lucho and the team for extending his job another 4 years.

I think the problem is that there will be an Anti-Bartomeu v Pro-Bartomeu vote.

And the Anti-Bartomeu vote will be split between three likely candidates or so. If Laporta goes alone vs Bartomeu then I think he'll win, but with two'll be difficult.


Senior Member
After seeing blatter win I wont be surprised If barto actually wins it.

Public voting is different than collecting national federation votes tbh .I think Laporta will be favorite tbh even if we win the treble .Neymar case and having a president that can possibly go to jail will be tough for Barto to overcome
And just for the record ,whatever the result is I really respect Laporta's decision to wait until the season is over to announce he is running for it .Classy act


Public voting is different than collecting national federation votes tbh .I think Laporta will be favorite tbh even if we win the treble .Neymar case and having a president that can possibly go to jail will be tough for Barto to overcome
And just for the record ,whatever the result is I really respect Laporta's decision to wait until the season is over to announce he is running for it .Classy act

It might be different but still only socios vote, who can easily deceived by false promises. The fact that some of them wanted to sell messi makes me question their sanity. Board will sing pogba and promise some other things, they will also show this seasons barca success and blame every controversy on rosell. There is a good chance that barto will win the elections.


President of FC Barcelona
He said he's ready to stand for elections and will talk about his plans/manifesto when Bartomeu calls for elections.


Barca need a good lawyer who has connections. The current board just can't fight with thr legal accusations from around the world.

And Laporta is a lawyer himself. A good one.


The Culest
Barca need a good lawyer who has connections. The current board just can't fight with thr legal accusations from around the world.

And Laporta is a lawyer himself. A good one.

Or maybe just dont do shady business to avoid lawsuits?


New member
No way in hell. Tiki-Taka has become obsolete now.

To be fair to Pep while MVP were excellent MSN in that side would have made Barca simply unbeatable. They'd have probably broke down the parked buses of Chelsea and Inter Milan which cost Pep another 2 CL titles.

The attack was all about Messi really so if he didn't score, or was crowded out, then a parked bus could stop Barca.

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