Joan Laporta


Active member
Oh yeah, we all miss Barcelona being synonymous with whinging about refs.

Your club is synonymous with corruption,so i guess whinging it's better.And btw,the world has gone too vanilla for my liking.We need a quality Clasico,and a fiery one too.Don';t think that will be possible in the current climate,everything is soft and artificial in thyese days.


Senior Member
Cringe cringe

Joan Laporta: "One of the first things I will do as Bar?a president will be to call the presidents of La Liga, Spanish Federation, UEFA and FIFA to demand the respect Bar?a deserves as an institution. We have lost that in the past years."


Senior Member
Cringe cringe

Joan Laporta: "One of the first things I will do as Bar?a president will be to call the presidents of La Liga, Spanish Federation, UEFA and FIFA to demand the respect Bar?a deserves as an institution. We have lost that in the past years."

It's a ploy dude. Each of these presidents will have a white envelope in front of them with their darkest secrets exposed. Sex scandals, bribes, off-shore accounts, everything.

Then it will be revealed that Laporta knows Keyzer Soze :coffee:.


From MD today
420 socios



Senior Member
Laporta's economic plan (in Spanish). The overall ideas are strong and on the right track I'd say, however still lacking details on how to implement them, in my opinion.

Just read some of that, and it's a lot of "we intend" and "we wish" thrown around there. This is typical for campaigns but until we see him in office everything is up in the air with Laporta. Can go either way. But if he does it again and brings the club right back to the top, I hope he stays like Florentino at Madrid.


Culé de Celestial Empire
Just read some of that, and it's a lot of "we intend" and "we wish" thrown around there. This is typical for campaigns but until we see him in office everything is up in the air with Laporta. Can go either way. But if he does it again and brings the club right back to the top, I hope he stays like Florentino at Madrid.

I have huge doubts about his ability to turn things around financially as we were hugely in debt when he was the president. I am praying that he will be different this time.


Well-known member
I have huge doubts about his ability to turn things around financially as we were hugely in debt when he was the president. I am praying that he will be different this time.

He was dependent on Soriano. Things went to shit once Ferran left. Laporta made mistakes after it, no doubt, but I think he learned his lesson. His new CFO (I know it is named something else at the club, but you know what I mean) is supposed to be Jaume Giro. He was deputy general director of CaixaBank. Later he was appointed CEO of the “la Caixa“ Banking Foundation, a position he held until 2019 when the Strategic Plan of "la Caixa" concluded. During his last two years at the foundation, he was also a member of the Strategy Committee of CriteriaCaixa, the investment arm of the same and whose objective is the definition of strategic lines and the evaluation of projects and investments.
Here you can read more about him:

Seems like the right manager for the difficult task if you ask me.


Senior Member
The more I think the more I see Font as a better candidate. Unfortunately I sincerely doubt he will be able to win against Laporta.


Senior Member
Yeah, Laporta for me too. I was a big fan of Font’s project but in the last couple months Laporta has appeared the voice of reason. Election dates, handling of Koeman, Messi situation etc, Laporta’s experience is showing.

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