Jose Manuel Pinto


New member
Yea mon !!!



New member
Don't know why, but I noticed that the spanish press hates him and after his renewal all you could read was that he is with us thanks to Messi, completely ignoring the fact that we won 2 CDR with him and another 2 times we lost to the eventual champions. Or that he has as many Zamora trophies as their BdO candidate, San Iker.

This commentary especially made me back-up Mourinho in his crusade against the spanish press:

"Messi concluye con 92 goles. 91 en el campo y el que le ha metido al Barcelona con la renovación de Pinto"



New member
He seems to have a great relationship with everyone, If they renewed for him because of his 'motivational' and 'eccentric' character he adds to the squad, Well that again applies to everyone, I can't see why messi is being singled out as reason.

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