If he's loved in England, England can have him.
Maradona: Mourinho is the best coach in the world,
Is Mourinho not liked in Spain then? The Italians don't seem to like him either, but he's loved in England
I really think he'll stay at Real until he wins something, then quit while he's ahead and take Mancini's job at city.
In the hotel lobby Mourinho walked to his assistants and with smile on his face imitated Thiago Sliva's header against Barcelona.
As a final comment to Barcelona's draw against Milan, Real Madrid coach made a cutthroat gesture supposedly suggesting: Barcelona is over.
As much as Che Guevara and Fidel Castro are world's heroes!
If he's loved in England, England can have him.
With all due respect to England, how does it reflect on your great nation to be the only country on earth to actually like Mourinho?
We should make sure that this is all he has to show for once leaving Spain:
throwing his own player under the bus?