93% of all participating in the survey want elections in 2015.
There's still hope.
Similar surveys were conducted right after the season ended were everyone was much more pissed off due to the disappointments still being fresh in their minds.
There is not really any hope unless we socios act instead of participating on forums or taking part in surveys on the internet.
By large the socios are not doing anything to change status quo. For God knows what reason a significant part of the socios are still supporting this current regime. Moreover the snake Rosell changed the rules of the censure motion in order to make it more difficult for his opponents to use that option to remove him from power.
Currently any opposition movement within the socios need to gain at least 15,000 signatures from fellow socios who are against this board and essentially kickstart a vote of no confidence once again.
Laporta survived such a move back in 2008 and it baffles me that the crooks at this current board are yet to taste the same medicine.
EMD is essentially their mouthpiece and this newspaper is the most widely read newspaper among the socios and the older generation which yields the most power and are in the majority.
This current season must turn into a monumental failure in order for the socios to wake up. I don't see how else they will wake up considering that they are yet to figure out this board it seems. After 4.5 years.
Lastly the length of the presidential tenure should also be shortened back to 4 years instead of those 6 years that Rosell also changed.