Joshua Kimmich


Senior Member
Could* be for us.

But Frankie isn't of that level, kimmich is more controlled in his place, Frankie runs around like a headless chicken.

Blaugrana Bull

Kimmich did not want to get vaccinated and there was a huge discussion about in Germany. He has caught Covid a couple weeks ago and was in Quarantine until yesterday.
Today Bayern released a statement that he is out for the rest of the year due to lung problems.


Senior Member
Same for Choupo-Moting I believe. He's barely trained for a month and there are only 10 days left until the Christmas break.


President of FC Barcelona
Because he's not vaxxed? You guys are acting like he committed a crime. :lol:

He shouldn't be judged if he doesn't want it.

No, they are calling him for an idiot. Not saying he committed a crime or should be punished.

He can get vaxxed or not, it's his decision. Doesn't look good for the "my immune system is too strong for this covid shit" crowd though.

Hope he recovers quickly as he's a great player that I'm a fan of.


Senior Member
He is back in light training and their winter break arrives in 9 days so not quite as drastic as it's made to sound.

If he was vaccinated then he'd have received much less heat over his absence though that's for sure.

Think the laughable thing comes from him waiting to hear long-term studies as if he's ever gonna be qualified to understand it.
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Senior Member
Football man thinks he knows more about science than scientists.

If I see him in the street I'm going to tell him how to play football.

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