Juan Miranda


President of FC Barcelona
Mingueza is aggressive, physical and quicker than most people would think. He has at least something to have a career as a backup. Miranda doesn't even have that IMO, comes off as very timid.

Sure. Sell him for 5-10m with like a 40m buyback clause. I wouldn't mind that. Doubt we'll ever use it, but if he becomes a 40m player we can sign him back.


Senior Member
He is 21 who has been playing on B team level or in 1st division fir 4 years now.
Bigger talents like Abel Ruiz has moved on a year ago.
You don't need to keep ties with your La Masia kids till they are 24, sometimes you sell those who you don't think will make it, allow them to pursue their career somewhere else and get some cash.
Cucurulla is another example


President of FC Barcelona
He is 21 who has been playing on B team level or in 1st division fir 4 years now.
Bigger talents like Abel Ruiz has moved on a year ago.
You don't need to keep ties with your La Masia kids till they are 24, sometimes you sell those who you don't think will make it, allow them to pursue their career somewhere else and get some cash.
Cucurulla is another example

Cucurella is a better player/talent and even then he's not good enough for a team that have CL aspirations.

It's tough to be a FB.


New member
Mingueza is aggressive, physical and quicker than most people would think. He has at least something to have a career as a backup. Miranda doesn't even have that IMO, comes off as very timid.

Sure. Sell him for 5-10m with like a 40m buyback clause. I wouldn't mind that. Doubt we'll ever use it, but if he becomes a 40m player we can sign him back.
Not going to lie, I watched OM when was playing for both JA and BB and he was not that good. A poor version of Bartra, not even close to what Bartra was during his at BB.

He is 21 who has been playing on B team level or in 1st division fir 4 years now.
Bigger talents like Abel Ruiz has moved on a year ago.
You don't need to keep ties with your La Masia kids till they are 24, sometimes you sell those who you don't think will make it, allow them to pursue their career somewhere else, and get some cash.
Cucurulla is another example
I agree with you and have said that before. So long as we have a buyback option. It is better than loaning and recalling players.


Senior Member
would not mind selling him with a buyback option since we are getting anything substantial, to begin with (10m maximum). Average players can still develop, for example,
[tw]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">��️| Garc?a Pimienta (Barcelona B coach) on ?scar Mingueza<br><br>��️:"I have had Mingueza for three seasons, we had an internal struggle because he has a lot of talent but it has cost him a lot to start in the B team due to the level and mistakes he should not make."<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/FCB?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#FCB</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/BarcaB?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#BarcaB</a> <a href="https://t.co/H6wpAUEXk4">pic.twitter.com/H6wpAUEXk4</a></p>— Bar?a Buzz (@Barca_Buzz) <a href="https://twitter.com/Barca_Buzz/status/1371142549126189056?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">March 14, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>[/tw]

This is a classic case of survival bias.
You look at those who made it, and ignore the endless number of average players who didn't.
Barcelona right now has tons of talent, and can't give them all the opportunity and time to make their mark.

Edit: Didn't see your reply, I think we are on same page


Well-known member
Take the money (if there are offers) and don't look back. Even if he develops into a solid player, no regrets since he wouldn't do it here. Otoh, I'm very pleased with him, strikes me as a surprise. When I saw him play for Barca, thought he'd never make it at the high level.


Senior Member
Staff member
Because he is still young and has an excellent physical profile. I have watched him regularly this season, and he is improving. We cannot get anything decent if we sell him anyway. He is a starter at one of the best performing La Liga teams at only 21 and in his second professional season. Now it is your turn. Why should we sell him?

[MENTION=15376]DonAK[/MENTION] said pretty much everything I wanted to say.

And I heavily disagree with "excellent physical profile". He's tall, that's it. He's neither strong nor fast, not good in the air. He has zero use of his physique.


Senior Member
I'm sure we'll have some transfer dealings with Betis this summer.

Give them Miranda and Collado (with a buy-back) and/or Puig (on loan) so we won't need to pay 9m for Emerson and also try to negotiate a lower % of future sale. I think they'd get 50% if we sell him immediately and 20% in next years.

I'd like to give him a chance so wouldn't mind if Betis would keep their 50% for now as this would increase the odds for keeping him. But if he won't make it and we can sell him to an EPL club for 30m in a year or two then would be great if we could keep most if not all of that money.


Culé de Celestial Empire
Andresito and Don have pretty much said everything, I just wanted to add that Mirando offers very little offensively, he rarely drives the ball forward, when he has the ball he tends to slow down and pass it inward to a midfielder instead of driving it to the byline. Defensively he tracks back and presses etc., but is not effective as a defender.



Senior Member
I said it few times, he is most unatalented player that Barca B generated and still plays in 1. division.

This guy will play in second league in max. 2 years


Senior Member
Like 983 said (too many Messi's around here btw), if we can squeeze Miranda in exchange for Emerson's rights then it would be an amazing deal. I don't see much growth in him. He might end up being a Fernando Navarro level talent who ended up a very decent LaLiga player and exceeded expectation, but still far from Barca level.


Senior Member
The guy still has 'loaned to Schalke' in his name, even though he's been at Betis for almost a full season now. The disrespect is real.


Senior Member
According to Sport we're finalising his transfer to Betis. Before that we'll use option to unilaterally extend his contract until 2023.


Well-known member
Good, lower the price for Emerson. These days every penny counts.

Now sell them Puig with a buyback clause too.


Senior Member
Miranda and Emerson "operations" will reportedly be independent.

But I think both will go through in coming days as we apparently need to bring back Emerson before end of this month.

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