Given that there are people around the world talking about it in these terms that have not interacted with me or reads my posts I think it would be fairer to say that Antonio is the one that made it a racial issue.
What people?
Every reasonable media outlet is occupied by animal cruelty angle. Radios make no mention of anything beside suspension discussion. Antonio remarks not even a % impact and mostly ignored thus far and only nationalists picked up convo because a mere mention of the issue get their insecure asses wound up.
As per usual fixated on irrelevant things entertaining this idiotic discussion whether it's more wrong to kick a cat or not. Probably just to make it feel like it's more ok to say racist shite when juxtaposed next to physical violence. No new angles here
Quater of a million for kicking a cat and i dont believe his intent was malicious. 30k-50k fine would be enough. The fine is EXTREME. Everything else he got is fair.
Lmao kicking a cat not malicious
Give your head a wobble.
He was fined 1/20th of his yearly income.
A good magnitude fine and could have been worse considering he's shown no remorse in immediate aftermath
Shouldn't give a fuck about the amount of money kicking a cat costs a pro player on exorbitant contract and shouldn't project own subjective normie sense of what a sensible amount of money is. Just do what everyone would - apply fraction of income penalty