Kylian Mbappé


Active member
Anyone noticed so far that his positioning & heading have certainly improved? Still room for improvement on his ball control & finishing though (not that he is a complete donkey, but you know)


Senior Member
Anyone noticed so far that his positioning & heading have certainly improved? Still room for improvement on his ball control & finishing though (not that he is a complete donkey, but you know)

Window of improvement on technique and ball control closes after your teen years really. His current ability is slightly above average, but it's not a big deal because his lauded attributes is intelligence, pace, finishing, and movement. He can reach Cr7's performance level with his level of technical ability.

El Gato

Another huge L for MARCA and Jose Felix Diaz credibility trying to convince half of Twitter PSG have accepted the offer and Mbappe is going to be announced by end of weekend.


Senior Member
PSG may be waiting out Madrid until the last possible moment to get the largest fee. Madrid have spent the past two years preparing for this transfer and are desperate for it to go through. According to French and Spanish media Madrid have already offered ~180m. Clearly they want Mbappe this summer and don't want to take the chance he renews with PSG during the season or chooses another club as a free agent.

What is 210m or 220m compared to what Madrid have already offered? Are they willing to let a potential move fall through over a a few tens of millions? That is what PSG's bet could be.

Or PSG might not care about the money at all, but that's boring.

El Gato

PSG may be waiting out Madrid until the last possible moment to get the largest fee. Madrid have spent the past two years preparing for this transfer and are desperate for it to go through.

They haven't been preparing for any particular moment.
Silly to claim they've been preparing for years to do a Bartomeu 2.0 move and spend over 150 on a player with a year of contract left.

According to French and Spanish media Madrid have already offered ~180m.

Not certain since you haven't seen PSG call what could be a bluff since all RM want is the player. Not clear that they're desperate at all to spend buckets for some imagined idea that they want to fork out this kind of sum to be seen as on-par with oil clubs.

Clearly they want Mbappe this summer and don't want to take the chance he renews with PSG during the season or chooses another club as a free agent.

Which is a pussy move and does no favor to the optics.
He loves the club. Or so is assumed. So wait and see if he acts on it. If he loves the club then he'll also probably not hike personal bonuses too high when signing for free. No reason to be desperate to leave if you're Mbappe either considering you get a year with Messi which doesn't happen to everyone.

If he doesn't care that much then fuck him lol.

Or so it should be.
But nothing is certain.

What is 210m or 220m compared to what Madrid have already offered?

Um, the fee you could spend on Bernardo Silva or another useful player?
Ridiculous argument.

Are they willing to let a potential move fall through over a a few tens of millions?

We'll see.
At the moment optics will continue to get worse, because both sides can keep playing their cat and mouse routine without it actually materialising. All in all lack of acceptance of the proclaimed offers makes PSG look bad in Mbappe eyes if he does want to go. If he doesn't, then good for them for not budging. Have to see what the player does to make final judgement who the loser is.

Or PSG might not care about the money at all, but that's boring.

It's sensible, not boring.

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