Bringing kids wanting to see their team at home is an emotional argument. Hence why I responded with one of my own. Nothing more nothing less. I just don't see the point of getting annoyed at a home game being taken away. Most massive teams don't actually care about it that much if there is measurable benefit to the club, hence it makes sense for Madrid, Barca or Atleti being the guinea pig for this project rather than a small team like we've discussed earlier.
The basics of a league format, being consistent, fair, so everyone is a on a level playing field well outweighs your argument for having this experiment. With the current format there are no complaints.
If anything your views are more emotional than mine.... "massive teams don't actually care about it that much" "makes sense for Madrid, Barca or Atleti being the guinea pig for this project"

Imagine creating a league format which is meant to be equal for every team having those views.
You're asking too many questions at any one time and all are subjects of debate. Doesn't mean there is no solution to it and that therefore the whole concept is shit. Concept by definition is just that - it needs developing. More complex systems have been developed already in this day and age. Look at League of Nations. Very nicely laid out prototype. I don't suggest doing it with league games from Europe, but why not entertain an idea? I stated already the best solution to address these without ditching the entire thing is to give them a cup final that doesn't have the level of a friendly and sides actually care about it.
They were rhetorical questions if you missed the sarcasm..... and there's probably another 100+ questions you could add to that list.
You mean UEFA Nations League? Missing your point with that one. That's a great idea and not comparable to what we are talking about. That's instead of having pointless friendlies but the main point is that it's FAIR for every team they play HOME and AWAY like every standard football competition.
You're just pointing problems without presenting solutions. Clearly you don't even like to entertain the possibility. Quite close-minded if you ask me. That's no way to approach revolutionising concepts in football.
MLS won't get bigger without visible movements to increase exposure of football. One of the ways is to play as many games on American soil as you can possibly arrange on with European teams. Much better if they're not friendlies. Simple.
There's not solutions to everything... and you thinking playing odd La Liga games a "revolutionary concept" is laughable. The US guys organising it won't have anything like that on their mind.. it's literally 90% financial and 10% expanding "soccer" in America.
Also the NBA/NFL example you used in the UK is good.. makes much more sense than what we are talking about, so no... not close-minded at all