Lionel Messi - v7


1. The situation at FCB is not normal. You had the President hiring a company to attack players and player legends of the team.

2. Yes there is probably corruption paying 6 times the amount such a hire normally costs. The Pjanic deal. Who knows why this team is always so short of money. Now we give players away for free. It is at worst corruption and at best incompetence. Incompetence comes from buying the wrong players for the team. Players do leave clubs when there is corruption and incompetence. Especially a player who only wants championships not money.

3. Messi would have never left FCB. But you know what all bets are off when you have the President hire people to attack players. That is beyond any sense of normalcy at that point all players should want to leave. It takes a lot to drive Messi to leave. Because Messi is not a normal player he was saved by FCB he is FCB he would only leave when there is something like attacking the players.

4. Bartomeu is a terrible person. He is incompetent and he is corrupt. NOW look what's happening right now. He is selling young players again and he is bringing in older players THE EXACT SAME THING. He sold Dani for a few 100 000 dollars WTF. This team constantly lies via their PR firm everything is announced to the public including LIES. He never wanted Neymar back but he acted like he didi. He continually makes transfer announcements that fail. NOW he is GIVING away players for free because of the incompetence in running the club. I mean even the smallest club doesn't give away players for free. Suarez was the 3rd best player in La Liga last year - he produced 30 goals via scoring and assists and now he is given away for essentially FREE to one of our toughest CL competitors who we also gave a young Arthur too and took off their hands an old Pjanic and then signed this old man to a 4 year deal. CLUELESS INCOMPETENCE.

5.I do not blame Messi he withstood BS from Bartomeu for years. It took a lot to break him. Even he says good young players should have been brought in but look they never do this. Bartomeu via his corrupt methods only sells young players. I remember when FCB made a huge profit even when they did not win CL or La Liga now they win La Liga after La Liga and continue to have to sell and be in debt.

6. Unless Bartomeu is jailed or resigns he will destroy this club. He will give away older assets and sell off younger assets and the new signings will be bad as always. Honestly he wants Messi to leave that is the only way to balance the books. But he needs him to leave next year. He drove Messi out he only needs to keep him for 1 year. If we had someone other than Bartomeu Messi would have stayed FOREVER. For Messi FCB was MORE than a club. It was his life.


Senior Member
In this case i am happy he is staying for other 2 seasons and lets hope these 2 seasons are great and let us take this opportunity to say our good-byes in two years.
And let's hope he will win the wc.

Yeah, He's not going to transfer to a new club in what will be his last year in top level football.

It's a very predictable scenario: He will stay this season, the new board (it will be either Font or Laporta) will convince him to give more year with a promising sporting project.

He'll call it quits on both Barca and Argentina NT in 2022.

El Gato

Then he might have not being able to finish the season. Or he wanted to put pressure on Butthole to do the right thing and resign.

If he wanted to put on pressure, he should have done so years ago according to instincts he has now attested to having had.

No reason he'd not finish the season if activating clause pre-June10, it only states he'll leave at the end of season, not the moment he activates it.


I read a good analogy for this situation now somewhere. It's basically like if your girlfriend says she wants to break up with you but you say ''ha you don't have enough income to pay rent on your own'' so she reluctantly agrees to stay with you for a couple more months while she looks for a job. That's the situation Barca and Messi are in. I don't see any way to be happy about it.

It's not a good analogy. The girlfriend has nothing to motivate her to do her best while she is with you.

I think Messi wants to keep winning, that's why he wanted to leave in the first place, so he will give his best to do it. Also, if he has a poor season it will be shooting himself in the foot for whatever he has planned next year.


La Masia
In this case i am happy he is staying for other 2 seasons and lets hope these 2 seasons are great and let us take this opportunity to say our good-byes in two years.
And let's hope he will win the wc.

Well the 2022 world cup in Qatar is in November/December 2022 so he could stay 3 seasons


Well-known member
Bruh he's far too slow as a team leader to take the right steps to help improve the project.
He is not faultless on the pitch and has made large errors of confidence off it by endorsing the wrong people and waiting things out despite knowing deep down there's no project developing here.

Not to mention he's publically outed himself as a dumbass for pursuing this line of 'leave-on-a-free' clause despite it having expired.

And now he's plunged himself into another year of toxicity in the dressing room where everyone knows he wants to leave, but will continue to earn extortionate wages without really being engaged in the club.

There's nothing good about this. Other than perhaps the whole airing of the dirty laundry finally happening. Even though it should have ~3-4 years ago.

It's a good thing he got it all out! Stuff way too corrosive to keep it all bellied up on the inside. Yes he was naive and got fooled like a choob for years, by Barto's promises and handshakes. But that's Leo for ya.

As for the dressing room, it'll be okay. Stuff he said, the others probably agree and they all like Santa-Mess, right. Is there anyone in this world who doesn't? :santa:

For the laundromat thing, ideally would've happened after Roma but C la Vie _ better late than never...

fresh xpress

Ney and Dani also hated the Bartman. Musta been they're spidey-sense.

As for sulking, I suspect this last year, whole team should have that xtra-fire. Let's see


Senior Member
For people that are protecting Messi/finding him absolutely guilt free and calling everyone else haters, can you walk me through your reasoning? Messi I'm sure has a team of lawyers that look through these contracts and know what actions he could take, he had multiple opportunities to speak up in the past 3/4 years, and he certainly has some degree of power in regards to transfers.

I'm not defending Barto here, just want to know why Messi is getting defended so much. If anything his interview confirms it's FC Clown Show.

Players aren't there to call out boards for their failures, unless it goes personal.
that is the truth of it.
If you want to judge players/legends as patriots, you can do it as you want and sure, Messi will look bad.
But in reality, it isn't like that
Xavi,Puyol & Iniesta never came out and called the board directly, Puyol even accepted job with them.
Non had problems with them at personal level.

So if we establish that (if we don't, then sure we disagree about that thing altogether) then what did you want him to say?
What was he gonna say that would make you say: Oh, Messi is right?
He wanted to leave and wasn't allowed to.
When he was silent, he was cursed for it.
If he says I never wanted to leave, people would curse him.
If he says I changed my mind for the fans, people would call him for not calling out Bartou
he calls out Bartou, people is saying it is too late, and for his personal gain (like, duh, that is why people complains)


Senior Member
You were backing Bartomeu the other day.


I'm saying he's doing the right thing by keeping Messi.
Leaving after 8-2 and a trophyless season would tarnish his legacy.

But make no mistake dawg Barto has been a disaster and is a dead man walking


Senior Member
If he wanted to put on pressure, he should have done so years ago according to instincts he has now attested to having had.

No reason he'd not finish the season if activating clause pre-June10, it only states he'll leave at the end of season, not the moment he activates it.

I just don't understand why he didn't put the pressure earlier knowing Barto is so bad. Did he really fall for all of the promises to bring back Neymar?


Senior Member
I just don't understand why he didn't put the pressure earlier knowing Barto is so bad. Did he really fall for all of the promises to bring back Neymar?

My guess is:
Probably thought Roma was a one off before Anfield happened.
Probably thought we were going to get Ney this summer after Anfield.
Now he's broken.

I mean, it should have been evident things were trending downwards in 2017. But footballers, even elite ones, aren't the most insightful people.


Senior Member
He could have, but it would have made him look pretty bad to the fans if he bailed during the middle of the season. We were in the middle of the season. He still had a chance of winning the league and the Champions League at that point. Besides, I don't think he could do that to the fans during the middle of the season. That's why it states in his contract that he can leave the end of the season and not during the middle of the season.

He probably feels dumb now for believing Bartomeu would allow him to leave at the end of the season.

like @Wolfe said, Messi's contract would have been terminated after the season ended, he just had to send a burfoax before june 10 to confirm he was going to activate that option

it just doesn't make sense why he didnt do that, especially with a guy as shady as bartomeu in charge


Senior Member
Players aren't there to call out boards for their failures, unless it goes personal.
that is the truth of it.
If you want to judge players/legends as patriots, you can do it as you want and sure, Messi will look bad.
But in reality, it isn't like that
Xavi,Puyol & Iniesta never came out and called the board directly, Puyol even accepted job with them.
Non had problems with them at personal level.

So if we establish that (if we don't, then sure we disagree about that thing altogether) then what did you want him to say?
What was he gonna say that would make you say: Oh, Messi is right?
He wanted to leave and wasn't allowed to.
When he was silent, he was cursed for it.
If he says I never wanted to leave, people would curse him.
If he says I changed my mind for the fans, people would call him for not calling out Bartou
he calls out Bartou, people is saying it is too late, and for his personal gain (like, duh, that is why people complains)

I am well aware that Puyol and other club legends left quietly and never complained. However, this is Messi. He undoubtedly has the most power out of any player in football right now. Any complaints he had about the board, squad planning, manager selection, would immediately be heard instead of being discredited or him being shut down by Barto.

The closest analogy i could think of is Lebron. Messi could easily be a Lebron and everything he could go his way. Did Lebron get a lot of fans calling him terrible names, lots of reputable pundits dissing him? Sure he did, but it's what he had to do to get him to win titles. The moment that Lebron started complaining, his career changed for the better. Players have power, and Messi has the most out of anyone. I am well aware that Messi has a very soft spoken personality, but I believe if he gave this interview even a year ago we would be looking very different.

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