Lionel Messi - v7


Senior Member
don't need to cry but this isn't smart

no rebuild
no money for messi
nothing to win this year
barto wil get reelected because he kept Messi here

rebuild already started, no?
why would you want money when we have the best player here.
do you think we would have won something without messi? :lol: good luck with griezmann and dembele upfront.
barto is dead, no player has ever went against a president like this.


Senior Member
Why keep a player that wants to leave? This board is straight breandead, but I feel like now instead of a free transfer, there is a chance for a 200m transfer, that would be the dream.

Cant see teams bidding for him when can get for free in a year but for 200m it would be best for him and Barca to go seperate ways now than wait a year.


My guess is:
Probably thought Roma was a one off before Anfield happened.
Probably thought we were going to get Ney this summer after Anfield.
Now he's broken.

I mean, it should have been evident things were trending downwards in 2017. But footballers, even elite ones, aren't the most insightful people.

As you say, a pure guess. Messi says otherwise in the interview, which seems very genuine and honest. Watch it if you can understand Spanish.


Senior Member
don't need to cry but this isn't smart

no rebuild
no money for messi
nothing to win this year
barto wil get reelected because he kept Messi here

Rebuild can still start to happen with Messi and either way Barca were not going to be a top CL team with or without him.


Senior Member
That best can do?

Not taken this news well have you.

nah brah. i was good either way. was even kind of prepared for him leaving, even though i never wanted that.

i've opened a bottle of fine moldavian wine and enjoying this train wreck of a thread


Senior Member
Messi gained my whole respect after his interview.
I have criticized him many many times and he is not completely innocent (but for what happens on the pitch mainly), but now he acheived legendary status.
People too quick to say that he thought he would have lost the legal battle if going to court, which is at best dubious - and basically is a faulty rationalization view that wants to see a carefully calculated motive behind any person's action. Many journalists and experts the last week have suggested that the most likely scenario would be arbitration and a reasonable fee (at the range of 100m) to be set to be paid by his new team (And City indicated via multiple leaks that they are ready to pay a reasonable fee).
Messi did not decide to go that way, because he does not want to go to court against his beloved club (even though in reality it would have been against just Barto and his board)

Sacrificing another year of his ending career for the club adds to his status after sacrificing the last 3 years within a failing non-project.

I just don't understand why he didn't put the pressure earlier knowing Barto is so bad. Did he really fall for all of the promises to bring back Neymar?

The answer many times is simpler than what people assume.
Everyone is assuming that Messi had a team of lawyers consulting him all along the last year(s) or so.
I doubt that.
He might not have suspected that his clause was tied to a specific date, and that rat Bartomeu (who knew all along) was reassuring him that he can leave at the end of the season.
Even then sequence of events the last two weeks suggests that Leo and Jorge Messi went to the legal team when Leo decided to leave and not before.


Players aren't there to call out boards for their failures, unless it goes personal.
that is the truth of it.
If you want to judge players/legends as patriots, you can do it as you want and sure, Messi will look bad.
But in reality, it isn't like that
Xavi,Puyol & Iniesta never came out and called the board directly, Puyol even accepted job with them.
Non had problems with them at personal level.

So if we establish that (if we don't, then sure we disagree about that thing altogether) then what did you want him to say?
What was he gonna say that would make you say: Oh, Messi is right?
He wanted to leave and wasn't allowed to.
When he was silent, he was cursed for it.
If he says I never wanted to leave, people would curse him.
If he says I changed my mind for the fans, people would call him for not calling out Bartou
he calls out Bartou, people is saying it is too late, and for his personal gain (like, duh, that is why people complains)

Just can't satisfy people, he isn't perfect

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