I agree to an extent but I find it hard to use words like incomparable in relation to him these days.
For reference, my standard of GOAT is Jordan. Best performances (which Messi has done on average last 15 years) plus best mentality (I would say he's second here behind CR7 or worse).
So, Messi doesn't make that cut. He's more along the lines of Federer, for whom there'll always be contention with Djokovic and Nadal because when he had the chance to become the undisputed greatest ever (all those 5-6 championship points v Djoko) he wasn't decisive/cutthroat enough.
I'm not saying the football he plays today is incomparable, but rather during his career.
You're saying Messi, despite all the carrying, failed to carry enough? You expected him, despite Barca rarely having the world's best team after Pep or even playing the best football, that Messi should've done a lot more?
I've been disappointed in Messi many times, but what he's done for so long, I can't imagine someone else doing for a long time on the football pitch. I understand he's not the GOAT sportsman, but I think it's hard for a footballer to be with so many factors around.
It's hard to have the 'perfect' footballing career.
I can't compare him to Jordan or the likes. Haven't seen a basketball/tennis game in my life.