Lionel Messi - v7


Culé de Celestial Empire
The only candidate they should vote for is Laporta. Font's shooting himself in the foot constantly while every other candidate is either an idiot(Benedito) or a spin-off of Barto in Rousaud and Frexia.

Even though Rosell will surely back him I'm curious to hear about Jordi Roche if he announces he will run.

Because Laporta is the lesser of all evils? Laporta doesn't appear to have any ideas with regard to what he wants to do. What is his agenda? Platform? Vision?

To me he is meh.


Senior Member
@Messi don't listen to that Weasel !!!

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Bartomeu wants to sit down with Messi to talk. [cat radio]</p>— barcacentre (@barcacentre) <a href="">August 26, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Marshall D Teach

Active member
Because Laporta is the lesser of all evils? Laporta doesn't appear to have any ideas with regard to what he wants to do. What is his agenda? Platform? Vision?

To me he is meh.

Font is a clown and we all know Rosell's guys can't be put in charge of the club again.

Only one choice.

@Messi don't listen to that Weasel !!!

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Bartomeu wants to sit down with Messi to talk. [cat radio]</p>— barcacentre (@barcacentre) <a href="">August 26, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Barto: Look Leo I'll give Suarez a 5 year extension and fire Koeman. I'll even bring back Valverde. Pls stay :(


New member
I take what I said back. Wants to leave? pay up $$$$$ we are broke and could use some $$$$$ He should have informed us earlier just like the good ones (Xavi and Iniesta). Should not be allowed to put us in this situation and get away with it when we have never hesitated to satisfy his demands.

700m or KDB, Sterling, Garcia, and the dutch winger in their reserve team + 250m


President of FC Barcelona
Because Laporta is the lesser of all evils? Laporta doesn't appear to have any ideas with regard to what he wants to do. What is his agenda? Platform? Vision?

To me he is meh.

Because he has proven he can work and always defended Barca's interests publicly instead of hiding like Bartomeu and Rosell. Florentino returned and it worked out for Real Madrid.

Could be the same with Laporta and Barca. Everyone else are either unproven or just a bunch of idiots. Sure he has his flaws and wasn't perfect, but would you rather take a huge gamble on someone else?

Font's comments aren't exactly encouraging are they?


New member
To be fair he had too many yes men in Barcelona, and maybe a change of scene will get his mind and fitness back.


Senior Member
When Neymar leaves in the middle of his prime (buying out his own contract no less) despite the other seniors, including Messi, letting him take over more and more of the playmaking duties in 16/17 -

Neymar stans like Neymessi and Tackle: He was unjustly criticized and we wish him luck in being the main man at Paris. Why would he ever come back to the dumpster fire that is Barcelona?

Now, when Messi leaves at 33 after contributing 10 times as much as Neymar ever did to Barca, they're the first to bring the pitchforks and spew all levels of slander, claiming the club's best interests. And then the gargoyle (thanks for this one Jamdav) Neymessi has the gall to claim he's not biased while referring to Messi having a "midget disorder". Textbook RM fan language.

In a vacuum, I don't agree with the way Messi is handling this. However, the criticism from the Ney stans is beyond rich. You lot are the worst.
Its time to move on,rather than relishing history and has been. Same with pique and suarez, i want new blood. Don't have to splurge big cash, just buy young hungry talent and give them time to develop with the manager and staff. I don't care about winning liga, it's not a precious trophy anymore


Senior Member
Because he has proven he can work and always defended Barca's interests publicly instead of hiding like Bartomeu and Rosell. Florentino returned and it worked out for Real Madrid.

Could be the same with Laporta and Barca. Everyone else are either unproven or just a bunch of idiots. Sure he has his flaws and wasn't perfect, but would you rather take a huge gamble on someone else?

Font's comments aren't exactly encouraging are they?

What's wrong with Font? Laporta may be the solution, but times have changed, and bare in mind that generation of Messi, Xavi and Iniesta won't repeat any time soon.


He is gone and the board doesn't care. They are done anyway, now it's a matter of adjusting the club's balance sheet so they are out of trouble.
Such pieces of shit.


President of FC Barcelona
What's wrong with Font?

He said only Xavi or Guardiola can lead his project. Pep is obviously never returning as the manager of Barca so it means he's betting everything on Xavi becoming a huge success which is risky to say the least.

His comments about sacking Koeman no matter what he does this season is also beneath him and disrespectful of a Barca legend in Koeman.

We still haven't heard too much about what his grand plan and structure for Barca is apart from that it's going to be football people like Bayern.

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