Lionel "The Greatest of All Time" Messi V2


Senior Member
A problem with Rassvet? Not personally no, but I always thought over the years he was a Barca fan like me who liked to troll from time to time.

It became clear he is not a Barca fan so I’m obligated to call him Ratvet. It is of course nothing personal but I do like being deceived


Senior Member
Owning the street




Well-known member
spread his winner mentality there so they can also win without him in a lower rate.
It's the other way about - Real Madrid have a great affinity with the European Cup which manifests itself when they have a strong team. Cristiano Ronaldo benefited from that affinity - Real Madrid didn't benefit from his mythical leadership qualities.

The fact he was invisible in almost all their finals and they won thanks to other players proves it. As does them continue to win CLs after he leaves while he has really done nothing impressive since leaving them.

It's so funny how people claim Messi plays for a country with a history of winning and Ronaldo doesn't - but when Real Madrid who already had 9 ECs when he signed) win the CL it's down to his 'winning mentality'.

Like I say, the best marketed and biggest PR of any player ever, including Beckham.


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I headed out with Mascherano to tour his farm, and he started introducing me to some of the animals, mentioning how he had named them after his players, as the unhinged animals they were. Just then, I was hit by an unbearable stench. With my eyes watering uncontrollably, I questioned through gritted teeth, “What in the hell is that smell?” He looked over knowingly and said: “Ah, Leo? The goat is never washed.”

Found this gem in reddit :lol:

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