Lionel "The Greatest of All Time" Messi V2


Senior Member
@Temptation getting awfully agitated by the Messi news :lol: Why though? He's not even a Barca fan.

Personally Xavi is spot on when he says we lack talent in the final 3rd. If done right Messi can be incredible for a season. And honestly what's the harm? It's not like we can fix other parts of our offense (LW, RW, striker).

Just need to replace Lewandowski with Vitor Roque for workrate while we are at it :cool:
Hard to trust him on attackers after he signed Ferran Raphinha and Lewa at a huge outlay and then wants to turn around saying we don't have talent in the final 3rd.

Those three cost a lot of money both in fee and wages. Someone else should probably handle attackers from now if that's the case.


Well-known member
McLovin I'm not agitated one bit. You're the one triggered by a lil doze of harsh truth.

Read my post again. Can't see any anger or temper outburst of any sort there. Just laughing at naive fans who buy the crap that "Messi loves Barca and the club comes first for him".......His PR team deserves a raise.


Senior Member
McLovin I'm not agitated one bit. You're the one triggered by a lil doze of harsh truth.
Sounds more like hating to me with the usual digs.
Hard to trust him on attackers after he signed Ferran Raphinha and Lewa at a huge outlay and then wants to turn around saying we don't have talent in the final 3rd.

Those three cost a lot of money both in fee and wages. Someone else should probably handle attackers from now if that's the case.
Lewy has been fine albeit uninspiring. Raphina did his part as well. Ferran is the one major fuck-up, but then again he was decisive when he joined with Auba to get us top 4 (remember Abde, Jutgla, Adama and co? :lol:).

The important part is that Xavi doesn't hold on to the busts. Better to admit mistakes and move on.

If Messi doesn't excite you in a midfield 4 I don't know. Could turn ugly, I think not, but then again what do we have to lose?


President of FC Barcelona
@Temptation is mad Lewandowski is being relegated to second fiddle.

Good stuff. That's where his place is. Man ought to focus more on the shit club he supports though.


President of FC Barcelona
Представьте себе, что Лео опускается на позицию Бускетса. А потом он потерял мяч - плохой дриблинг или пас. Что он будет делать? Будет ли он бежать назад или давить на него, чтобы попытаться получить мяч? Нет. Он будет стоять и ковыряться в носу. Так о чем, черт возьми, ты говоришь?

What language is this


Well-known member
@Temptation is mad Lewandowski is being relegated to second fiddle.

Good stuff. That's where his place is. Man ought to focus more on the shit club he supports though.

Messi can't hack it in the Uber Eats League playing for the richest club itw. Calma. :lol:

Has been humiliated in Europe every year since forever. Coz no free pens.


Senior Member
Can't wait for the GOAT to come back home and show that Lewa guy how to actually not shit his pants and get Barca through a CL group stage.



Professor Balthazar
Can't wait for the GOAT to come back home and show that Lewa guy how to actually not shit his pants and get Barca through a CL group stage.

We need a good LW and DM + Messi, than we might have an ok chance to go far in CL (except if we're up against a lot of power + speed, than were fucked lol).


Senior Member
We need a good LW and DM + Messi, than we might have an ok chance to go far in CL (except if we're up against a lot of power + speed, than were fucked lol).

You need to add some luck + some favorable CL KO draws on our side and a better coach ( cause let's be srs here , Xavi is really out of his depths in Europe competitions )

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