Lionel "The Greatest of All Time" Messi V2


Senior Member
2) West didn't gave up religion
If you say so:
"Europe’s march towards a post-Christian society has been starkly illustrated by research showing a majority of young people in a dozen countries do not follow a religion.

The survey of 16- to 29-year-olds found the Czech Republic is the least religious country in Europe, with 91% of that age group saying they have no religious affiliation. Between 70% and 80% of young adults in Estonia, Sweden and the Netherlands also categorise themselves as non-religious.

The most religious country is Poland, where 17% of young adults define themselves as non-religious, followed by Lithuania with 25%."

Link to article, there are tons of similar articles:

Gni will say that it is just a leftist propaganda how religion is dying on the west in developed countries.
Anyway, now when I look at the anti-West supporters in Ukraine topic:
Messigician = religious
Gnidro = religious
Barcaman = iirc, religious
Jairzinho = from Brazil, he is 99% religious
All of them are religious, anti-West, anti-gay, anti LGBT, right wing.

It makes way more sense now.


Senior Member
If you say so:
"Europe’s march towards a post-Christian society has been starkly illustrated by research showing a majority of young people in a dozen countries do not follow a religion.

The survey of 16- to 29-year-olds found the Czech Republic is the least religious country in Europe, with 91% of that age group saying they have no religious affiliation. Between 70% and 80% of young adults in Estonia, Sweden and the Netherlands also categorise themselves as non-religious.

The most religious country is Poland, where 17% of young adults define themselves as non-religious, followed by Lithuania with 25%."

Link to article, there are tons of similar articles:

Gni will say that it is just a leftist propaganda how religion is dying on the west in developed countries.
What about Southern Europe

Religion is growing worldwide but not specifically Christianity

Islam is very popular atm


Well-known member
If you say so:
"Europe’s march towards a post-Christian society has been starkly illustrated by research showing a majority of young people in a dozen countries do not follow a religion.

The survey of 16- to 29-year-olds found the Czech Republic is the least religious country in Europe, with 91% of that age group saying they have no religious affiliation. Between 70% and 80% of young adults in Estonia, Sweden and the Netherlands also categorise themselves as non-religious.

The most religious country is Poland, where 17% of young adults define themselves as non-religious, followed by Lithuania with 25%."

Link to article, there are tons of similar articles:

Gni will say that it is just a leftist propaganda how religion is dying on the west in developed countries.
Anyway, now when I look at the anti-West supporters in Ukraine topic:
Messigician = religious
Gnidro = religious
Barcaman = iirc, religious
Jairzinho = from Brazil, he is 99% religious
All of them are religious, anti-West, anti-gay, anti LGBT, right wing.

It makes way more sense now.

Interesting post. :lol:


Senior Member
No shit. When entire ruling class, which is basically enemies of people, whom they rule over and are mostly not of the same genetic stock as they are, push propaganda that they should feel ashamed of their own race, culture, religion and ancestors, many will succumb and become slaves. BBZ, you are stark example of an absolutely demoralized slave like creature, who doesn't have his own agency and hates his own parents, because television and internet portal newsman told you so. You the lowest form of life among people. Don't take it personally. 2/3ds of any given population seems to be of this slave mentality and zero agency almost by design. Like stock of cattle cloned to serve their masters. Enjoy your servitude, but don't try to virtue signal on me. You are the one, who has lost any virtue and can only parrot along what you hear on public loudspeakers. Creatures like you don't define West and its values, quite the contrary. Be well.


Senior Member
The GOAT could be the most decorated player today.




Senior Member
"Big stage" for those MLS players...Meanwhile the GOAT has played in 2 World Cup finals and several CL and Copa finals :lol:

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