Lliga: Real Madrid - FC Barcelona 3-1


New member
Had messi scored from that suarez cross, the game would indeed be different. It's not like we were pummeled down from the start. But I get it's easier to just complain, be smirk about it, and embrace the gloom as you do.
There are a lot of problems to be solved, but this just started.

Sorry for not vomiting sunshine and rainbows, but if you think that we were just unlucky, then I have nothing to say really. To close all the hype. I would consider a success for us to grab any trophy this season.


President of FC Barcelona
Jeez.... How difficult it is to understand.

We were doing decently before Pique's hand ball. Yes, Real Madrid still had their chances like when Benzema hit the crossbar and then the post, but so did we when Messi tried to do his best Balotelli imitation by missing out on THAT chance.

Then it all fell apart, BUT.... Those two goals, from the corner and that Iniesta/Masch mix-up and blunder are two such goals which could or should not have happened.

No one is saying that they were lucky and that we were dominating. It's not really that hard to understand.

The point is, we are still infront, albeit with a paltry point, BUT.... BUT... things can change and instead of getting around with a defeatist mentality, we can always hope for Luis Enrique and the team to find a solution to our problems, you don't really have to expect much, or expect us to get many trophies, but instead of being negative all the time, maybe being a bit positive would be better.

I mean..... You'd think Barca is some minnow by some of the comments here. We're still in Europe's elite, but yes, we have problems, problems which need to be fixed and instead of going all doom and gloom, I would instead hope for the best and that we do well and win trophies this season.

I won't give up on anything in October, never.


Senior Member
Honestly this was a very surprising game. When I watched the Liverpool-Madrid game and saw that Ancelotti was playing with four attacking midfielders, I immediately thought that if he tried a line-up like that against us, he was going to get burned. It honestly nearly unraveled on him in the first half, to be honest we were creating the better scoring chances in the first half and while the scoreline and the overall result suggests we are still a long way behind Madrid, the first half was much more like how I thought the game was going to play out. Yes, Madrid have a good back line that can make money last ditch challenges and yes Ancelotti has them organized well but its nothing terribly complex. In the first half, we were utilizing the space in between their defensive and mf line well with Neymar's goal being created from him cutting into the middle with the space left from their MF.

It was clearly a game of two halves however because the Barca in the first half and second half were night and day. And while I initially focused on Madrid and Ancelotti's choices, I am turning my attention to Lucho now and why I am starting the be concerned with his decision making. First point being, I have no idea what he was thinking playing Mathieu in the role he had him play. Madrid playing a 4-4-2 made it vital to have size and strength in the center back pairing since Ronaldo and Benzema were for the most part playing through the middle. Mathieu's best attributes so far has been his ability to clear in the air, recover off of breaks and being strong in the tackle with a no nonsense approach on the ball. Putting a player like in not just a LB role but honestly as an attacking fullback, to mark James, a 5'9 shrimp with not a lot of physical attributes, was baffling from Lucho. Time and time again when Mathieu ventured forward to support the attack, he would turn the ball over. Its not slight against him as a player, he simply isn't a wing back. So again, pushing Mathieu out wide to mark James and expecting Mascherano to contain Benzema is bass ackwards thinking from Lucho.
Its like he didn't know Madrid were going to play a 4-4-2, even though they have practically all season.

Point two that Lucho deserves criticism for is Madrid overall played more precise then we did, and that is the first time in over 5 years I am saying this. Yes we had more completed passes and possession but when they had the ball, the moved it quickly and precisely with a clear idea of what they wanted to do and who was open. Madrid's entire game plan offensively is opportunistic, they create a majority of their goals from counter off of a defensive transition after winning the ball which is why they can score goals against the run of play at times. The way you combat that is by not making mistakes and making smart decisions in possession, things us fans took for granted because Barca's players naturally play that way. Well, they didn't today with the key example being Iniesta's turnover leading to Benzema's goal, the goal that really killed the game. Iniesta turning over the ball? That shouldn't be happening. Busquets made numerous mistakes in possession. Messi missing chances he usually buries in his sleep, these things show a lack of poise, a lack of execution, a lack of killer instinct. Poor and sloppy passing, lingering on the ball too long, these are things Lucho should have hammered out of the squad earlier in the season and them rearing their head in these big games (we lost to PSG in very similar fashion) is a very worrying sign to me.

The third thing that really concerned me from Lucho tonight was his man selection and subs during the game. Personally I would have kept Suarez on the bench to bring on as the difference maker in the 2nd half and start Munir, a player who Madrid don't know how to play exactly and would be itching to make a name for himself in a big opportunity on the big stage. I already talked about Mathieu but bringing off Xavi for a more defensive Rakitic when you are chasing a game is counter intuitive. As is bringing off Suarez, who was our best player in the 2nd half, for a totally piss poor Pedro who did nothing but run around like a chicken with his head cut off.

0 for 2 so far in the big games for Lucho and that's not a good sign. We need to hope NMS can figure out how to create goals and link-up among themselves (it looks promising, Suarez's service from in wide positions was a joy to behold) otherwise its going to be another disappointing season.

Really fucking pissed Pepe the Goon scored the game winner too...:facepalm:


Senior Member
Oh god I cant believe what I am reading here haha. Its funny and sad how blind people are. What did you expect from this game? Did you guys really thought that we with our problems can win against them?? But of course we dont have problems like our defense is so good look at the states we didnt concede many goals so everything is fine until we face a good club doesnt have to be the best or second or third or fifth.. . Always the same from season to season. Didnt need many games this season to realize ok nothing changed. Said it many times if you dont fix your weak spots as quick as possible you will go down like a ship one stone after another will fall domino effect and we waited and waited. If we had buy one decent defender for 2-3 years ago we could have fixed our defense until now but did we do?? Nothing now the whole defense is a problem and whats next?? our midfield it seems. How do you guys think we will handle this problem if our youngsters are not ready or not good enough?? This ban could give barca a dark time.. Even if we survive this ban they will spent money for nothing and buy a 36 old grandpa an injurieprone who will never play and a dark knight like douglas who is a mistery which should last forever as a mistery.

Umm yes...

Dude, Barca isn't some club in complete ruins. We still have the quality to compete with the likes of Madrid, Chelsea and Bayern. We have problems that need addressing, but we are more than capable of challenging and beating any team in the world. That's a fact.

It might have went all wrong today, and it happens. But we are definitely capable of challenging any team. To say the likes of Real Madrid, Chelsea or Bayern are so out of Barca's reach is delusional.


New member
Real Madrid have just delivered a counter-attacking lesson to Barcelona.

Now I'm not going to be like those annoying critics and be all like, "Yeah I knew this was going to happen all along." I'm gonna be honest, I knew Dani Alves and Pique would get exposed but other than that I didn't have much of a clue what the final score would be. With all those amazing match-winning players in both sides, I was both excited for our attack but scared for Madrid's. This is why other than WC finals and the like, this is my favourite and also most nerve-wracking game to watch.

Anyway, Barca start the game off strong and although we do a lot of complaining about our defensive issues, that goal from Neymar could have been dealt with a lot better. Carvajal lets him go across and Pepe doesn't do anything to stop him, he cuts into the middle of the park with nobody closing him down at that point and he buries it in the bottom corner. At that point I thought we could run away with the game. Ohhh nooooo.

Madrid react well and of course, who else but good ol' Pique manages to fuck it up. Ronaldo finishes the penalty so composed, as if hes playing against a few friends.

So by this point, Madrid have definitely gotten themselves back in the game. And this for me is when alarm bells should have rung. James gets a free header in the box and luckily it goes wide. But if little James is winning FREE headers in the middle of the box, serious organisation needs to be done at half time. We all know how that worked out.

Madrid come out with yet another counter attack and I have to give it to them. They counter-attacked amazingly. So they win a corner after Ronaldo had his shot blocked by Pique. (Omg he did something right). Kroos whips in the corner and Pepe has absolutely no trouble losing Sergio Biscuits, burying his header in the bottom corner. Then Sergio Biscuits shrugs his shoulders and acts as if it wasn't his fault. Now Sergio I like you as a player, but fix your attitude. He was your man, get that through your head right now.

So at 2-1 Madrid as a counter-attacking team have a massive advantage and we have to come onto them. And as you guys know, that's exactly what they want us to do. They want to cut out our opposition and then attack with their lighting pace. That's pretty much what happened.

I think it was Rakitic who whipped in the corner and James does well to clear it. Isco picks it up, skins Iniesta alive (there was also a mix up between Masche and Iniesta) and then runs as if he's just stolen a old lady's handbag. Iniesta being the old lady obviously, who can't catch him for shit. So later on in the attack James sends it straight through past the defence while our CB's are still jogging back because lets face it, they definitely aren't the quickest and Benzema has no trouble finishing. I have to admit, a great team goal.

Barcelona were finished at this point and I just feel as if in this game they were doing what Man Utd to in the BPL, however with better players. And that's relying on their match-winners to carry them through. In my opinion, Ancelotti did a much better job of organising the team than Lucho did. And as much as I hate Madrid and it kills me to say this, the better team won. Yeah it's all great hammering teams in La Liga 5-0, but we can't keep getting exposed by big teams like PSG and Madrid if we want to win anything this year. Our team needs a re-adjustment and ever since 2012 our midfield has needed to be replaced. Lets give some of the youngsters a go, please.


New member
Of course Barca are not in ruins and is still elite. But, it's not 2011. Do you think Barca right now, can beat the likes of Bayern away or Chelsea away? I don't. And when was the last time Barca really beat an elite team?

Blaugrana Bull

I am so frustrated over this result.
2 really really stupid mistakes (+ the corner that also was an easy mistake) that would be bad against any opponent and of course deadly in such a game.
Pique's handball was so freaking dumb it is unbelievable and Iniesta fucked up badly too. Just pass the ball out of play in this situation and nothing happens.
Actually there was another one. Leo not finishing the clearest of all chances which could have decided the game really early.

We basically invited Real to beat us and without desperate tackles by Masche and Real's sloppy passing on counters we would have conceded even more in the final minutes.
And there was no heart or fighting spirit at all in the last 30 minutes. This is the biggest game of the season ffs, just show something. Run, shoot, foul whatever but it was just frustrating.

This not much of tactical analysis but it is really difficult to talk about such things when there are schoolboy mistakes leading to a defeat in a duel of world class teams.

I just hope Lucho realizes that some things need to change.
1. Never play Mathieu ever again at LB against a big team. I said it before and will say it again: Alba needs to play. Simple as that.
2. Bartra over Pique please. Give the kid a chance. He is really solid and shows heart everytime he is on the pitch. Pique is awful right now. I would like to see Mathieu with Bartra and Masche in DM because Busi clearly needs rest.


Senior Member
Of course Barca are not in ruins and is still elite. But, it's not 2011. Do you think Barca right now, can beat the likes of Bayern away or Chelsea away? I don't. And when was the last time Barca really beat an elite team?

Umm we beat Real Madrid twice last year in league and we also beat Man City twice in the CL. Those are elite teams.

Of course we can beat the likes of Chelsea and Bayern? Why can't we?

- The seemingly invincible Bayern were exposed terribly by a Real Madrid team with a horrendous defence last season.
- Chelsea haven't won anything relevant (no the Europa league doesn't count) for nearly 2.5 years now.

I'm not saying we would go into games knowing we would dominate these teams more than likely come out with a win like in 2010. I'm saying that we are still more than able to challenge these teams and still capable of beating them, which we are.


Sorry for not vomiting sunshine and rainbows, but if you think that we were just unlucky, then I have nothing to say really. To close all the hype. I would consider a success for us to grab any trophy this season.
Lol. I never said we were just unlucky. The team completely fell apart after the 2nd goal, but it could had been the opposite too. Lucho failed to fix things when he had to. But that defeatist attitude is ridiculous. It's not like we have a team of scrubs. Many players are in bad form, like iniesta and pique, but there's still time to find solutions.

Barça won't be as dominant as they were during Pep's reign. I think many people are still expecting that dominance to come back. The board destroyed the team, right now it's a transition phase, trying to become a great team again.

Jeez.... How difficult it is to understand.

We were doing decently before Pique's hand ball. Yes, Real Madrid still had their chances like when Benzema hit the crossbar and then the post, but so did we when Messi tried to do his best Balotelli imitation by missing out on THAT chance.

Then it all fell apart, BUT.... Those two goals, from the corner and that Iniesta/Masch mix-up and blunder are two such goals which could or should not have happened.

No one is saying that they were lucky and that we were dominating.It's not really that hard to understand.

The point is, we are still infront, albeit with a paltry point, BUT.... BUT... things can change and instead of getting around with a defeatist mentality, we can always hope for Luis Enrique and the team to find a solution to our problems, you don't really have to expect much, or expect us to get many trophies, but instead of being negative all the time, maybe being a bit positive would be better.

I mean..... You'd think Barca is some minnow by some of the comments here. We're still in Europe's elite, but yes, we have problems, problems which need to be fixed and instead of going all doom and gloom, I would instead hope for the best and that we do well and win trophies this season.

I won't give up on anything in October, never.


We can never give up. Tata gave up too early and we lost the league.


Active member
Umm yes...

Dude, Barca isn't some club in complete ruins. We still have the quality to compete with the likes of Madrid, Chelsea and Bayern. We have problems that need addressing, but we are more than capable of challenging and beating any team in the world. That's a fact.

It might have went all wrong today, and it happens. But we are definitely capable of challenging any team. To say the likes of Real Madrid, Chelsea or Bayern are so out of Barca's reach is delusional.

Thats the point we dont have the quality anymore to compete with them. Dont know how do you rate quality but only with worldclass strikers you wont compete with any decent team today. Maybe you know better than me and our crap defense will turn into a worldclass defense maybe it was a unlucky day. Maybe our midfield will turn into a quick machine and assist many goals and not messi. I am not saying this club is finisched we are one of the biggest clubs but nothing last forever look at milan and pls dont rate us better than we are dont fool yourself and dream of being on the top . We have to fight to earn the place we had and it seems it will be a long long way dont expect anything soon.


New member
I just wanted to stop by and leave a comment... our tactics were wrong. This was a game of PACE and we shouldn't have had Busquets & Xavi in midfield together. Mascherano has been a beast since the World Cup and should have been in Midfield. I'm broken hearted... its a tough game to lose, I've got Madristas in my family so seriously sucks. But MES QUE UN CLUB!
Hope Lucho learned. Busquets has sat in the stands for the last 3 weeks, he should not have been our DMF. Good start for Suarez and Neymar continues to score! Visca Barcelona!

Once we had a midfield...
You are correct sir! This is where we lost the game. We had nothing in midfield to feed the attack and nothing to prevent attacks... thats where this game was lost


Well , maybe my idea on Friday about starting with a midfield THREE of Busqs / Masch / Rakitic wasn't so damn crazy after all .

I certainly wouldn't have started with Xavi and Inesta away to an immensely fast faced and strong team in such great form.

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