La Masia
BBZ already composing two A4 pages about the midfield in case we drop points tonight.

BBZ already composing two A4 pages about the midfield in case we drop points tonight.
Good line up. Unfortunately I can't watch the game. I hope they will do great!!!
This doesn't change the fact that Valverde is still a piece of shit.
No, no.
I like it.
No Arthur, I am fine.
I have faith in these guys.
This is currently my favorite lineup, tbh.
He's going to make you eat your words this season.
I agree from the dynamism perspective, but Arthur is a good controller for use in certain games/situations. He fills a role just like Vidal fills the workhorse role.
dude stole from Barca 2 CL already. Nothing that he will do will change the FACT that he is a piece of shit.
He's going to make you eat your words this season.