Lucas Digne


Senior Member
From van bommel,edmilson,to keita and even xavi season before last, n I'm sure I'm forgetting one or two.


Senior Member
The day iniesta stops playing, i dont even want to think about it.
Suarez has been at his best as a winger in Villareal, not as a midfielder as you say.
Roberto has been better as a RB, not a midfilder and that will be his main position from now on.
But hes nowhere near Alves levels as RB and should only be considered a temporary solution.

Rakitic will be okish, but he needs a top quality player next to him once Iniesta stops, not Rafinha or Suarez.
Rakitic should move into a more AM role, and we should get a proper passing CM instead.
Raktic is kinda questionable aswell, he can either be really good, or horribly bad. Very inconsistant.

Like dude, Roberto had some very solid games in MF. Suarez would never play through the center at Villareal in a 4-4-2 so of course he looked better as a winger. It's his skill set, his mentality and impact on the game that improved and with how we control games, he could more than hold his own at least against Rakitic.

I'm still pretty iffy on Raki as well. He plays better in open games but his ability to control games and pick passes through tight defenses can leave a bit to be desired.

See I think personally we have plenty of Iniesta replacements in the team now. I've always fancied both Rafinha and Suarez for that LCM, more attacking role and with Rafinha, him playing deeper in that RCM role requires poise and control, and that's what he lacks at times. With Rafinha, I want to see him play a full season with some solid minutes to see if he can develop that and starting in these lesser La Liga games is a good way to see if they have what it takes.

So more so than replacing Iniesta, we really need to find perhaps a better Xavi replacement than Rakitic, long-term. Raki actually would probably be better in the LCM role as well since it would free him up more to make runs into the box.

Arda is the biggest disappointment and question mark for me obviously but at least give Suarez and Rafinha a season like Sandro and Munir had last season. Besides, Rafinha looked pretty good in that CL game he was playing against Roma until Naingoonan wholloped him.


We had Keitee to rest our mid fielders back in 2008-09 and 2010-11, and a certain Thiago Alcantara.... Not taking anything away from Keitee but Sergi Roberto himself is better than him and we now have Denis who is better than what Thiago was back then!

Edit: Actually Thiago was not yet a regular even in 2011

Bob better than Keita? Denis better than Thiago? No and no.


Improvin' Perfection!!
Denis better than what Thiago was back in 2011 guys come on!

Bob being better than Keitee, for me anyway. Probably not yet, yeah. Sure Bob does not bring as much physical presence but he offers more creativity than Keitee.


Senior Member
Denis better than what Thiago was back in 2011 guys come on!

Bob being better than Keitee, for me anyway. Probably not yet, yeah. Sure Bob does not bring as much physical presence but he offers more creativity than Keitee.

Keita was actually pretty underrated. He wasn't flashy but he was solid, kept possession well and just played simple. Yet he had class like that, too.

Bob has a lot of potential and I'll agree that at least Denis has as much promise as Thiago had in 2011.


New member
Not rue and I' m los for words in this transfer

Welcome and sorry for the late post validation :welcome:

It does seem Roma fans were happy with him too so I reckon this could be a solid signing.

First Roma was in danger of FFP 30 mil. for June or July I dont know witch month but until then money must be transfer money most be and first plan was to sell Rudiger to Chelsea, and then ACL happen and in Roma was a bit of panic , they have number of crap players that they can't sell at all , let alone in time , Dumbia , Newcastle did not want him , 30 mill Iturbe could not play in A.F.C. Bournemouth and they did not want him,and so on so I m sure because Roma and Juventus have good of the pitch relationship that Pjanic was a bit a bit nudge to juventus, why Juventus , because all oter clubs ha was intrested in Pjanic was still wating for Mercato to start,and they sell best player last two season for in today terms measly 30 mill and 2 in bonus, that was bargain of summer .So it s not about FFP money Spalletti who in winter bring three relative unknow or forgaten players and hit with all three players .. He ( Spalletti) buy fullback who can actually cross , i think Digne did not cross 3 good cross whole season and other fullback was Florenzi who has never play like fullback and he also did not have a lot of good cross, Pjanic Radja Manolas and Totti are the reason why are here in CL play pff and fac tha Milan and Inter are running by idiots Itt s true that most of the Roma fans like Digne but why I have no answer ? He is so average .Well in words of Roma friend,

The Digne Supremacy
Digne has been one of the more puzzling roma fan reaction cases in recent years. It is strange that someone so mediocre got some much support and backing in an environment that has turned on shunned and destroyed so many other mediocre and better (flawed) performers. I have been reading reactions to his move to Barcelona on Twitter and most people (knowledgeable footy ppl) are puzzled. This tweet pretty much summed most thoughts up:

Me: Lucas Digne is good in the air as a fullback.
Someone else: And…?
Me: That’s pretty much all I got. Perfect for Barcelona, right?
Thats pretty much Digne isnt it, not so bad he deserved derision but just bland. So why the heroic reception here, thats been my question for a while. Roma fans are usually unforgivingly harsh with players and developing talent yet he seemed to receive a Roman immunity badge thats not extend to others.When you try see what differentiates him from say Dodo or Yao or Ljajic amongst a great number of other players that have come thru here there are a few obvious differentiators. It certainly doesnt hurt that he is a living embodiment of Heir Furher vision of an Aryan race. Being a Blond, blue eyed non muslim European doesnt hurt nor does coming from a top 5 european club team and being young but not too young. Is it really that simple to have your efforts amount to heart and hope and potential? Its probably more nuanced than that, maybe he has more Roman blood in his ancestry or something else that other new roman entries should seek to survive the roman cauldron.

Anyway I am glad we dodged a bullet and wish him the best on the Nou Camp bench.
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Staff member
What's exactly wrong with being blond, blue-eyed and European Christian?

Nevermind, troll somewhere else.

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