Luis Enrique


You're flip flopping here now. Are you rating Enrique or not ? :lol:

As I said I think he is doing good job, but when you read some posts it feels like Lucho just hanging around and everyone else is doing a great job. The only good thing he has done so far not to interfere with genius decisions of other people.he has the wait and see if Iniesta can come up with good decision regarding midfield and we are set.
Try as you may no one belittled lucho like that. And there are many other positives that lucho gets credit for, but you apparently can't see them.

you say Lucho deserves nothing if he didn't make the decision for Messi returning to RW and Unzue fixing fk weaknesses ?

Way too harsh on Lucho there, mate :mathieu:


Active member
Lets wait and see how the next month goes first. I think we will win the treble and Lucho deserves a lot of credit for getting us this far but we haven't won anything yet and he could still make a mess of it and we end with nothing.


Try as you may no one belittled lucho like that. And there are many other positives that lucho gets credit for, but you apparently can't see them.

you say Lucho deserves nothing if he didn't make the decision for Messi returning to RW and Unzue fixing fk weaknesses ?

Way too harsh on Lucho there, mate :mathieu:
I'm not the one who's being harsh on him- you are! So he cannot take credit for front because it's Messi's idea, defense improvement is all credit to Unzue, midfield is screwed up because he passed on Kroos,he can't motivate players because he doesn't talk to them,heavy rotations confused the hell out of everyone. And he hasn't won anything.If this is what you believe in how can you say that Lucho deserves credit ? I don't believe in this that why in my books he deserves a credit


I'm not the one who's being harsh on him- you are! So he cannot take credit for front because it's Messi's idea, defense improvement is all credit to Unzue, midfield is screwed up because he passed on Kroos,he can't motivate players because he doesn't talk to them,heavy rotations confused the hell out of everyone. And he hasn't won anything.If this is what you believe in how can you say that Lucho deserves credit ? I don't believe in this that why in my books he deserves a credit

Not sure why I bother... But no one said any of that here. You're the one distorting what everybody says. Not to mention your conspiracy theories.

Enrique made plenty of mistakes. Also made many good calls, and most here acknowledge it. No coach works alone, btw. Unzue is part of his crew, but Enrique is the boss. I don't know why Enrique building on Messi's idea is a bad thing for you, either. He could very well kept Messi in the center, but he saw it worked and built on it.

You're on some kind of crusade to prove you were right in supporting Enrique, and that everyone else here hates him... Sorry to burst your bubble, but that isn't true.

I'm sure I called LE crap or worse back in December/January, because that was my opinion back then. I was surely not seeing the team improve under him, but I'm very glad he turned it around. I liked him a lot as a player.


Messi also told Pep he wanted to play in middle when Ibra was at people take that away from Pep?

Pep himself gives Messi credit for it. Think we forget Messi IS a genius, and he sees well what happens on the pitch. He also wanted a 9 for a long time.


Senior Member
The best thing a manager can do is get the right people around him.

Barely any top manager in the world will in charge of set pieces etc. They need to pick the right person to delegate to as Lucho has done.

Lucho also gave the final yes on Suarez transfer and that is probably the biggest reason Messi wanted to go back to RW as he saw a CF that he could thrive beside. Tata tried to play him RW last season and he clearly didnt like it.

Most decisions managers make will be a mix of opinions.


Senior Member
Pep himself gives Messi credit for it. Think we forget Messi IS a genius, and he sees well what happens on the pitch. He also wanted a 9 for a long time.

Has Pep admitted Messi asked to be moved to middle?

Messi has had CFs at the club - Villa and Ibra being examples and he didnt seem to enjoy playing with them for large spells. Messi wanted to be at false nine all this time.


Has Pep admitted Messi asked to be moved to middle?

Messi has had CFs at the club - Villa and Ibra being examples and he didnt seem to enjoy playing with them for large spells. Messi wanted to be at false nine all this time.
That was after the Milan game. When Villa played as a 9. That was the first time he said he preferred playing with a 9 in front of him, iirc. Around the time the false 9 position was being neutralized.


Not sure why I bother... But no one said any of that here. You're the one distorting what everybody says. Not to mention your conspiracy theories.

Enrique made plenty of mistakes. Also made many good calls, and most here acknowledge it. No coach works alone, btw. Unzue is part of his crew, but Enrique is the boss. I don't know why Enrique building on Messi's idea is a bad thing for you, either. He could very well kept Messi in the center, but he saw it worked and built on it.

You're on some kind of crusade to prove you were right in supporting Enrique, and that everyone else here hates him... Sorry to burst your bubble, but that isn't true.

I'm sure I called LE crap or worse back in December/January, because that was my opinion back then. I was surely not seeing the team improve under him, but I'm very glad he turned it around. I liked him a lot as a player.
yea, make condescending comments,jump to conclusions and ran with it. Nothing new.
I'm not the one who's being harsh on him- you are! If this is what you believe in how can you say that Lucho deserves credit ?
If it's Messi's decision and Unzu's talent , why the hell we need him.what he has done?

It was Messi and Unzue in these cases. Still believe we don't need lucho ? bottomline, pay attention to your own words.


yea, make condescending comments,jump to conclusions and ran with it. Nothing new.

Lol. You're serious? That's what you're doing all this time. Not to mention the crazy conspiracy theories,to deny the truth.

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