Luis Enrique


Culé de Celestial Empire
Don't forget the Pep years when we were team with no plan B. How every team out there figured out how to beat Barca. Now we tactically have plan A, B and C. Funny but your comment is like that famous episode of Life of Brian "What have the Romans ever done for us". I was expecting a drop in our performance this year because you don't have the players in their primes anymore and you have bunch of talented players that you need time to develop. Kudos to Lucho for sticking around and giving chances to players like Sergi, Rafinha, Paco, Denis, Dinge, Gomes. I don't remember seeing that under Tito or Tata. It probably will be painfull this year, but it will pay off big time in the future.

What is our plan B and C? I think we only have one plan, which is passing the ball to MSN and let them figure it out themselves.


New member
We are absolutely terrible this year. Pathetic honestly.

Its just seems if Messi doesn't play we cannot win against minnows, let alone good teams. Paco+Gomez=big mistakes. Kovacic (who I as a Croat ALWAYS said was going to be better then Modrić) was less then either of these two. FFS what the fuck is happening? Honestly, only Messi saves us.


Active member
Reading this forum recently


Senior Member
Yes. We created much less against a much poorer team.

Against Chelsea 1st leg: 6 attempts on target,13 off target
Against Chelsea 2nd leg: 5 attempts on target,12 off target
Against Malaga today: 8 attempts on target,13 off target
And Malaga is as good as any team you can face on the defensive end.
And today we failed to even convert a single attempt of those,referee fucked us and we missed our most creative midfielder and two of the MSN


Senior Member
Lucho has many different plans??? I would be happy if he had ONE serious plan! His mastermind plan in last few months is "pass the ball to Messi"!


New member
They looked horrible against Valencia and we lost with them when they started against City too. In general they are way too static to be starting duo. Agree with [MENTION=20420]God Serena[/MENTION] here and actually said it b4. when Iniesta out then it is Denis/Rafinha playing beside Rakitic/Gomes. This is the best combination for us.
And the selection depends on the game,for example Denis is better than Rafinha when we are playing against team that attack us while Rafinha seem more suited against parking the bus with his goal scoring abilities.

Yes, but Gomes looked horrible overall prior to City, and we may have lost with them in that game, but Gomes was a highlight. The few cameos he's had after City have been solid, and he's shown more offensively there than Denis has in all of his games. I agree that Gomes-Rakitic is kind of static, but none of the midfield combinations available brings everything to the table.

On the topic of Denis, I like some of his qualities - he's fast and presses well. However he's too inconsistent so far, and on his bad days he is completely invisible and barely brings anything needed to the team. Playing Denis is hit or miss right now, not really what we need in the current situation.


Senior Member
Forget Denis, forget Gomes or Rafinha but not playing Rakitic today after he was fully rested and with Iniesta out was a FULL RATARD decision.
Lucho has mostly failed to integrate new players this season and remains often clueless tactics wise. When most of the squad is fit his turnover is suspect too.
It's too much.


Active member
We should play a game, take quotes from this forum now and from 2014 end of season and then make people guess, which quotes belong to current year and which belong to the season we won the treble. Here are some:

Lucho = AVB
He's a wannabee big team manager and acts like he is. He's just shit.

Lucho sucks bigtime, we will finish third, be beaten next round in UCL and be beaten in the QF in CDR against whoever wins between Madrid and Atletico.

I'll support the club forever but i know this season is lost already.

I just want him out, just looking at his face i have no confidence in him at all
his face but me at an unease all the time

I dont understand this "hasnt found formula yet". He already said, there is NO preferred line up with him and we should judge him at the end of season. He doesnt believe in starting 11. We are dealing with an idiot quite simply. Very arrogant one at that.

He's a scrub, another year season of Messi wasted and no trophies. Wohoo.

Lucho is a joke of a manager. Stupid freaking board to appoint yet another huge flop. Even Tata was better

Lucho is everything you don't want in a coach. He is tactically inept, can't motivate players, idiotic on squad selection and to top it all off he thinks we play well and has publicly said that he will not change his approach no matter how many games or trophies are lost.

He's a fucking headcase and it's embarassing, shameful and sickening that he is in charge of one of the top teams in Europe. If you fucking fail at managing Roma and have an average season at Celta, you will not succeed at Barca, the most hostile and volatile coaching job in the world.

I'm absolutely furious, he needs to fuck off.

Unless he tries to make us play with a midfield again, I don't think our performances as a team will improve.

He's a tactical monkey. Hopefully the transfer ban gets overturned so that we can actually get a competent manager next season because we all know that no world class manager would come in if he didn't have the opportunity to make signings of his own.

Enrique is an amateur coach, that's getting clearer with each game.

El loco Lucho. I FUCKING TOLD EVERYONE THIS GUY WAS SHIT BUT NOONE LISTENED. He never showed any potential or success as a manage but the useless board hired him. He is fine for a mid table team but not us. This job is too big for him.
Let's not forget the players also. I see no real heart or fight from them either. Last liga is over already. Yes Rm will drop points but so will we.
Crap manager,crap board and crap players.

Our players are capable of better. But Lucho's endless rotation, tinkering like it's fucking FIFA Career Mode or Football Manager, and idiotic tactics are undermining them.

we spent 154 millions and we are worse than last year........not easy to get a result like that, you absolutely have to understand a fuck about soccer/management/vision !!

No progress has been made since the start of the season, that's 100% on Lucho and his stupid rotations/lineups/tactics.

Just sack him already and make Xavi player/coach.

Yea, those quotes are from treble season. Fans like those are disgrace to this club.

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