You act like it's all about goals, especially when Suarez is a 9 and Dembele was a winger who had to deal with multiple injuries and recovering fitness.
What about the opportunity cost of all the hundreds of attacks Suarez fucked up? 10-15 of those for every goal he scores, if not more. That's not something that shows up on the scoresheet.
There's a reasonable chance that Suarez's 20+ goals actually comes at the cost of more goals that would've been scored by Messi had he not fucked up the combination plays, or goals that would've been scored by more clinical strikers who wouldn't miss as many easy chances as Suarez that Messi/Cou/Iniesta provided on a platter.
Messi scored 34 last season.
Suarez 25.
If you remove Suarez and play Messi-Dembele-Coutinho, you will get roughly:
Messi 35
Dembele 15
Coutinho 15-20
Midfielders nothing since midfielders without Coutinho as a Cm are Raki, Busi and Arthur.
Basically: 65-70 goals
Suarez 20 goals
Messi 35
Dembele 10-15 as a winger
Coutinho 10-15 as a Cm that is a different story.
= 75-85 goals in this case
Suarez is ruining attacks, but without a man in the box, you still have a sterile attack, too many defenders on Messi, and not too lethal finishers outside of Messi.
Not to mention a comedy vs parked buses.
Not to mention zero crosses and fullbacks need to pass yet another backpass to the edge of a box IN EVERY SINGLE ACTION.
With your logic about creating and passing, Spain should be a world champion.
Since they have 5 midfielders/attackers who are awesome in passing and movemnet.
But, not too many can score...
Also, with that logic, a lineup of:
= should be awesome.
They can all pass well, move and similar.
You need balance, DonAndres, in your view of football:
You would trade everything for 11 Frenkies on a field who can move, pass and play triangles.
That is all nice, but you still need some good all dumb guys who can score (and ruin actions), some muscles, and other things than having 11 Iniestas on a field.
I mean, lately I see no point in replying to you cause every single post is the same: trade everything in football for more passing/technique/movement.
I know that you were a teen in Pep's years and that his football made a huge part of how a person will see a football later in their life.
Anyway, do you have any decent answer:
1. top4 teams at world cup, ALL had a good, old strong Cf in attack (Giroud, Mandzukic, Kane, Lukaku).
Real won 4 Cls with Benzema.
Why on Earth should we try something else and play WITHOUT a true Cf, or even worse, with Messi as a false 9 or a Cf?
Let me guess: because it worked in Pep's era

2. another question: from all Cfs in the world, how many are still better than Suarez?
Kane not.
Benzema, not.
Icardi, not.
Lukaku, lol not.
Maybe only Diego Costa currently.
And Cavani.
So, there is no a Cf who is available, young and better than Suarez (or even close to him).
And about these ideas to play without a Cf with Messi/Cou/Dembele/Malcom, sorry, I can't even reply to those posts.