i do not care the arguments playing for barca or not, playing for napoli or not, winning the WC or not, winning the CL or not, .................. for me useless topics.
I do not have any doubt: the best player I have ever seen in my life is Maradona.
I have never seen anyone do the things that made Diego with the ball, nobody has ever touched the ball as he did, he had a hand not a foot, …… he was simply something else, like a miracle. I can only repeat never, NEVER seen in my life a player with such talent and frankly no one has ever come close until now.
Thanks my father, I had the great chances (twice) to watch him playing life against Como (at that time the club was in Serie A, I am swiss, from Ticino, south of Switzerland, and Como is a city just across the border).
The best players I have seen so far are (regardless to what they won): 1. Maradona 2. Messi 3. Zidane.
I think that the best players always make an era: there was an era of Maradona, after Diego there was an era of Zidane and now is the era of Messi.