I hate when we are losing.
Not only because of lost points, but because of silly posts.
The more we lose and the more horrible we play, people start to "look" for more and more desperate solutions.
So, it is easy to spot the correlation between:
1. bad results/bad plays of our first team
2. and more and more posts like:
-- we should play Bartra, he is awesome
-- we should bring back Tello, he would save us now
-- we should bring back Deulo, he would be a key player right now
-- we should bring back Halilovic, he is sooo ready for big things after 180 minutes on loan
-- we should bring back Adama, you know why
-- and more and more desperate random names from players from random teams all over the world. "Any" of them would save us...
They wouldn't.
Our current players are still the best, and better than guys mentioned above.
But they lack some motivation, concentration, some luck, and they are crippled with injuries and with Messi's absence.