Marc Guiu


Senior Member
Club plans to renew his contract...



Well-known member
A fox in the box, I like the way the club handles his minutes. Starting him now and next season would be revolutional idea and the third game into it he'd be knee injury football goodbye. These mistakes keep on repeating, overplaying young footballers - Messi in Rijkaard era, Ansu, Pedri, Gavi. Is it just a problem of Barca, can't tell but hardly any other club throw 18 years-old to play full 90 minutes on such high level.

Arda Guler, 18, hasn't debuted for Real Madrid, yet. Having the same problems like Dembele with muscle injuries.


Senior Member
Article in MD today, that Guiu is training at neither the A or B team, but with the Juvenil A team.

That Rafa has given him less minutes at the B than Xavi has at the A, which suggests he doesn't really rate him.


Senior Member
I think he should be playing more in the B though, rather than being put back to Juvenil.

Doesn't make sense to be in Juvenil after scoring 3/4 in limited appears with the A team.

But more to the point, Percan hasn't really been a success while Pau Victor has been better on the left than as ST. And now Alarcon is injured again, should probably move back there.


Senior Member
Rafa said it's a decision of people above him. MD reports club prioritize Guiu playing in Copa Juvenil game against Celta on Sunday and they also want to improve position of Juvenil team in the league where we're currently only 5th on the table 4 points behind leaders Espanyol.

So he might stay with Juvenil A for time being although Alarcon injury could change plans.

BA plays their next game in 9 days so he could return there by then.


Senior Member
Back down to Juv A for the Spanish Cup game v Celta away and grabs a hattrick.

Pray this lad can be Barcas Haaland... Nae pressure laddie.

Rough around edges but physical animal that has good movement.


Senior Member
And now called up for the Saudi Cup.

Club is really managing him strange.

Also, there was an article in Sport two days ago that he's scoring a goal every 62 minutes for the club in different categories/competitions this season.

DIVISIÓN HONOR JUVENIL: 8 partidos. 696 minutos. 11 goles. (1 gol cada 63 min)
YOUTH LEAGUE: 3 partidos. 218 minutos. 1 gol
COPA REY JUVENIL: 1 partido. 83 minutos. 3 goles (1 gol cada 27 min)

PRIMERA FEDERACIÓN: 3 partidos. 36 minutos. 1 gol

LA LIGA: 1 partido. 11 minutos. 1 gol
CHAMPIONS LEAGUE: 2 partidos. 33 minutos. 1 gol
AMISTOSO PRIMER EQUIPO: 1 partido. 75 minutos. 1 gol

MUNDIAL SUB-17: 5 partidos. 351. 2 goles (1 gol cada 175 minutos)

JUVENIL A: 12 partidos. 997 minutos. 15 goles (1 gol cada 66 minutos)

BARÇA ATLÈTIC: 3 partidos. 36 minutos. 1 gol

PRIMER EQUIPO: 2 partidos. 86 minutos. 2 goles (1 gol cada 43 minutos)

ESPAÑA SUB-17: 5 partidos. 351 minutos. 2 goles (1 gol cada 175 minutos)

JUVENIL A+BARÇA ATLÈTIC-PRIMER EQUIPO: 17 partidos. 1119 minutos. 18 GOLES (1 gol cada 62 minutos)

JUVENIL A+BARÇA ATLÈTIC-PRIMER EQUIPO+ESPAÑA SUB-17: 22 partidos. 1470 minutos. 20 GOLES (1 gol cada 73 minutos)


Staff member
Don't think he was bad against Mallorca. Very lively, pressed great, good setup for Gundogan as well.

Was refreshing watching a mobile 9 that's for sure.

Play him more.


Professor Balthazar
Like have been said in other threads, instead of buying Rawke we could have just promoted Guiu and spent the money on a promising young'ish DM...


Senior Member
Like have been said in other threads, instead of buying Rawke we could have just promoted Guiu and spent the money on a promising young'ish DM...

Or Samu for 6m who has 9 LaLiga goals.

TBH I don't have a problem with the Roque signing. I think the bigger issue was getting Oriol Romeu and not somelike like Alan Varela who was heavily scouted and went for not much more.

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