Marco Reus


Ryu Hayabusa

It could always be a gentleman's agreement type thing. He agrees to renew with no release clause, and will do his best to help the club stay in the Bundesliga or get back if they go down. And if a sizable offer comes in, Dortmund will let him go. That way his club will also get the money that Reus is worth in today's market, at least ~70M euros.

Well, just like Dortmund honored the gentleman's agreement with Lewandowski ;)


Francesc Aguilar from MD says that there is a special clause in Reus' contract which allows him to join Barcelona in January 2016.


San Claudio Bravo
Ryu, you're weird. The man spurned double wages from Real Madrid!!! That alone should have you ecstatic.

This kind of commitment and loyalty to club should be commended, not criticized for lack of ambition. We need more players like this today.


Active member
No, not angry, but disappointed. Even if he had chosen another international club over going to Bayern, that would still have been much smarter and ambitious than staying at a club which is essentially done for the next couple of years (again).

Why should they be done for years? They were competing in previous year (almost defeated Real in LM again) with almost the same players (plus Lewandowski). It's not like they went bankrupt and sold half of their team, the reason why they are doing so poorly is pretty big mystery.Anyway assuming they remain in Bundesliga, they could be very strong team again next year with new no 9 and some minor tweaks.


Ryu, you're weird. The man spurned double wages from Real Madrid!!! That alone should have you ecstatic.

This kind of commitment and loyalty to club should be commended, not criticized for lack of ambition. We need more players like this today.

We hate that which we often fear.


Senior Member
Hamad was right? :mou:



High Definition Member
Hamad also called Lucho's revival of the club when everyone including myself thought he was one of our worst coaches this century nd wanted him fired.

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