Marco Reus


New member
but why would we want another forward? we have enough, lets concentrate on the defence. rafa and GD are coming up, how are they suppose to feel when we buy forwards. The only forward we needed was njr and thats it.


Cruijff's Heir
Although I would love for Reus to be a Barca player, there is indeed no money or room in the squad. When selling Alexis AND Pedro, it might be possible. But critical focus should be on CB signings.
Although I would love for Reus to be a Barca player, there is indeed no money or room in the squad. When selling Alexis AND Pedro, it might be possible. But critical focus should be on CB signings.

Problem solved. I'd sell 2 of Villa, Alexis and Pedro if we get Reus.


New member
Although I would love for Reus to be a Barca player, there is indeed no money or room in the squad. When selling Alexis AND Pedro, it might be possible. But critical focus should be on CB signings.

Spot on, I'd love Reus with us, he's pure class but now we've got Neymar, we have other priorities. I'd much rather have that the club brings in 2 defenders isntead of 2 attackers and sort the goalkeeper spot out. I'd say, let Pedro, Alexis and Tello fight for the right spot on the wing since we all know Neymar is going to be untouchable. Then after next season we could look at buying another forward. I would have sold Alexis but lately he's performances are excellent and Pedro has been relatively bad.


New member
Deulofue + Cash for him with a buy back option on deulofue or a two -three year loan deal. Sound like a very much win - win (rosell) deal. We get the player plus deulofue training, dortmund get the cash plus a good player for two, three years. May be he is 'that german guy' who rosell liked.


New member
I don't know if it is a good or a bad thing, but our squad is too big. Neymar will pretty much steal The position (LW) of Tello and Deulofeu. They will not get the playtime they need/deserve. Reus coming in as well would just make the situation worse. Reus can play in multiple positions though, he could be a striker or a attacking midfielder, which means he won't necessarily steal our wingers' positions...


Anxiously waiting for the next match
deulo can easily play on the right and has for barca B and scored great goles from there.


I am Leg End
What's all these formations with Reus in the middle?!?! Reus plays on the left. Neymar also plays on the left. Not going to happen.

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