Mario Balotelli


Improvin' Perfection!!
Guys stop being so harsh... That's a mentally ill child we are talking about! You are pathetic!! :p

No seriously the funniest part is not where he couldn't figure how to wear a jersey... It's where he shows his anger, God only knows against who, on the jersey :D
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Interista Paja Patak
Damn... What a waste of a talent. Mario has immence talent and potential, but i doubt he will reach half of that. He is so god damn stupid to be WC plater.

Mental strenght is imho half of being WC player. I, and you, have seen many, many young players with great potential, but their mental strengh has failed them. Mario is one of thouse player, with world class potential but with u10 mental strenght...


New member
I like Balotelli but... The next Nii Lamptey? But lack of mental strength/intelligence instead of exploitation.
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Eazy E

At leats he apologised to the players, the fans and the club. But this will not be the last time something like this happens.

He'll take his troublesome ways to Milan soon anyway.

Eazy E

He's had two good games at the club. Him joining Milan won't exactly break my heart, far from it.


Do ya feel lucky, punk?
I think Balotelli have 2 red-cards from the time when he transfered to city of manchester.


New member
Balotelli is capable of scoring some fantastic goals, but has zero consistency and a major attitude problem. I thought it was because of the racism in Italy but he has no excuse now. City fans would have made him a hero and here he is spitting in their faces talking about Milan, only to do fuck all in games but get red carded. He's missing a key element in making it as a pro, which is hard work. Laziness only works for phenoms like Ronaldinho.

Eazy E

BARMY football ace Mario Balotelli tried to start a fight with a male pal of Wayne Rooney hooker Jenny Thompson after taunting her at a posh restaurant.

The Manchester City star, 20, blew a raspberry in the face of stunned Sam Birch as he dined with £1,200-a-night prostitute Jenny – then demanded he step outside.

Rowdy Balotelli had earlier shouted across the exclusive eaterie at Jenny, 22 – who bedded England striker Rooney.

Horrified diners heard the £180,000-a-week ace chant "Rooney, Rooney" after spotting Jenny coming back from the ladies.

Balotelli then burst out laughing and flicked the finger at Jenny's friends.

And as he left the San Carlo restaurant in Manchester, the £24million Italian forward blew a raspberry at Sam and asked him to come outside.

Furious property developer Sam, 21, said: "Jenny is used to getting heckled but she didn't hear what Balotelli said."


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