Mario Balotelli


So it is as it appears, you can't explain why you are relating your problems with his behavior to his race can you?



So it is as it appears, you can't explain why you are relating your problems with his behavior to his race can you?


My point is very clear Mario. I am saying that Balo is acting like a retard, and he gets away with it. No one dares mention it. In fact he is presented as some kind of novelty. What is the problem of saying that? I thought we had free speech in Europe.

But the problem here is a very different one. What is your problem? Why are you acting offended? Are you his brother or something? Why are you the only one in here kicking and screaming...


No. You related what you perceive as him being a retard (really its a pretty innocuous gol celebration) to him being black and Italian. You were asked numerous times to justify the connection. You never did. So yes, you are once again using a football forum to air your hateful ideas, which is why you should be removed - again.

And there are quite clearly others who found what you said offensive, however. It is a personal matter for only so far as I find people who express hatred of a racial sort unwelcome here.


No. You related what you perceive as him being a retard (really its a pretty innocuous gol celebration) to him being black and Italian. You were asked numerous times to justify the connection. You never did. So yes, you are once again using a football forum to air your hateful ideas, which is why you should be removed - again.

And there are quite clearly others who found what you said offensive, however. It is a personal matter for only so far as I find people who express hatred of a racial sort unwelcome here.

No, I actually provided an explanation, you are either too thick to comprehend it, or you are playacting.

And honestly, stop acting like you are offended. You are just incredibly slimy, and you dread my shadow. People in here offend each other the whole time and its cool. But you are kicking and screaming for me to be banned for a comment that I made on a footballer. Your hypocrisy is staggering. Do you recall what you said about the English on the "Women" thread?


I am Leg End
Woah at the misunderstanding.

I was talking about his celebration. Mix the Italian elegance with the African showmanship and you get that celebration.

I wasn't saying that because of he is italian and African that he is a retard......some people.

Though it is cute that the Italian and African lovers have combined to ask for my ban. Too cute. :wub:


Don't worry Ed. And stop excusing yourself. It's slightly sad. People see what they want to see most of the time.

You are safe :D

Mario is after me...

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