Martin Braithwaite


Senior Member
This guy will be good. Not WC but better then Rakitic. He is fast, strong and he is No.9 who knows that he is not superstar.


Senior Member
you just KNOW he will be the first to throw some left and rights as soon as someone talks shit to his friend the GOAT Messi.


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Staff member
Roy Keane:
“I was a big fan of Maradona growing up and of the current crop Ronaldo is good, but Braithwaite is the best I’ve ever seen.
I don’t dish out praise lightly, but the Danish Demon deserves it. I look for weaknesses in his game and I can’t find them.”

Pep Guardiola:
“Don’t write about him, don’t try to describe him, just watch him.”

"I like Braithwaite a lot, he’s a great player. Technically, we’re practically at the same level."

Lionel Messi:
"We give him the ball and stand back and watch. People often say to me they saw Pele and Maradona play. In the future, I will be able to say I saw Braithwaite play."
If that's the way you guys support our players, maybe we deserve the results from the past few years. At least the guy is passionate and gives his best

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