Mason Greenwood


Senior Member
'Innate' and 'cultural' is the same thing unless you believe the culture was forced on them by sombody else. Exceptions demonstrate rule. It is what it is.


Well-known member
I get your point in that sense. I just mean that propaganda and brainwashing can do funny things to people and make them believe something that deep down they don't really ascribe to. But yeah, I understand the point that if they really disagreed with the views espoused and held by their culture they would be more resistant in general.

Yes, exceptions prove the rule. I am just saying that the ratio of normal/decent/civil (whatever word you wanna use) minority men is much higher than you believe. I think there are far more exceptions than you are willing to admit. You seem to think a normal black guy is a few and far between thing. I don't - I believe many of them are just normal guys, though of course there are a lot who are animals doing the things you describe in their own countries and their new homes in Europe.

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