Mateu Alemany


Senior Member
What does betting on younger players mean? We're gonna sell our young players to fund Messi or what? Bringing more young unproven players on top of our young unproven players is the last thing we should do.


Senior Member
What does betting on younger players mean? We're gonna sell our young players to fund Messi or what?

It means not giving huge contacts to 34 year old strikers.

Not keeping likes of Alba rather than trying to remove him.

Keeping Pique longer than should have.

Not renewing Roberto, Busi, Alonso.

Probably not signing likes of Martinez ahead of say an Ndicka.

Trying to sign a 33 year old midfielder on 12m a season.


Senior Member
The truth is reported by JuanMarti and rac1

Now you will hear all lies coming from the club that he wanted to leave for money

Allemany's vision is sober, contrary to Laporta who is a political clown and cares only about his personal reputation (brining back a done legend) than the well-being of the club long term

Allemany has been on mission since day 1 to reduce out of the market wages and get rid of the dead wood.
And Laporta and Xavi wanted to go on with more deadwood because they live in their fantasy land

Decide which side are you on


Senior Member

Everyone using his registration as a sign to highlight their agenda lol.

The man was clearly tired of dealing with tebas BS and playing with one hand tied behind his back.

He's isn't a Barcelona man at his core, he's a professional so he's doing the professional thing.


Senior Member

Everyone using his registration as a sign to highlight their agenda lol.

The man was clearly tired of dealing with tebas BS and playing with one hand tied behind his back.

He's isn't a Barcelona man at his core, he's a professional so he's doing the professional thing.

Makes 0 sense.
Tebas and his BS were here since when he joined. He knew and had no problem.
Even more than that: he was super motivated to find ways to deal with FFP

It's clear the he sees the ship will sink with a few more decisions taken by Xavi or/and Laporta.


Enough is enough!


Senior Member
Makes 0 sense.
Tebas and his BS were here since when he joined. He knew and had no problem.
Even more than that: he was super motivated to find ways to deal with FFP

It's clear the he sees the ship will sink with a few more decisions taken by Xavi or/and Laporta.


Enough is enough!

It was, but it has become burdensome when each time the club tries to find a solution, la Liga and tebas comes up with something to put it now.

Who are you gonna replace Laporta with? barto? Font? Who only has one word in his vocabulary which is Xavi, lol.


Senior Member
Nah it is for the reasons the Barca media are giving

Too many old players signed and renewed and not long term thinking.

Same reason as many leave under Laporta they are not given as much input as should in their job.

He is just the latest to leave because of it.


Senior Member
Yea exactly the reports that say he's leaving for villa, who are building a project without having one had tied behind there back.

Makes perfect sense.


Senior Member
Calm down.

Title is in the bag, we will see in the summer how we will tackle improving the squad. This season was a success, now let's see if our management and our players can build on this and even improve it next season. Repeating La Liga title and making it to CL quarters should be an ambitious target.\

Plenty to look forward to.


Senior Member
Indeed.. hands tied with those within the club also who he does not agree with... those are the reasons given for leaving primarily not Tebas.

Ignore those for the agenda though.


Senior Member
Indeed.. hands tied with those within the club also who he does not agree with... those are the reasons given for leaving primarily not Tebas.

Ignore those for the agenda though.

Even then, it's normal for the club officials to have disagreements when the options are limited. Doesn't mean much. It's quite obvious that we need to compromise in the summer. We can't go spending 200m like the rich clubs can. This is a reality.

Laporta was elected, of course his vision comes first. That's how this club is run. Elected officials overpower the named ones. Laporta is no1 in the club. It's his mandate and I see no problem in making the decisions he sees fit.


Senior Member
Calm down.

Title is in the bag, we will see in the summer how we will tackle improving the squad. This season was a success, now let's see if our management and our players can build on this and even improve it next season. Repeating La Liga title and making it to CL quarters should be an ambitious target.\

Plenty to look forward to.
Not looking forward to Messi coming back when the defense and pressing has demonstrated itself to be so strong.

We need a real SD to make more signings in the mold of the squad. We could challenge for CL with the right signings and a fit squad, why limit yourself at quarters when Milan and Inter both made semis this season?


Senior Member
Even then, it's normal for the club officials to have disagreements when the options are limited. Doesn't mean much. It's quite obvious that we need to compromise in the summer. We can't go spending 200m like the rich clubs can. This is a reality.

Laporta was elected, of course his vision comes first. That's how this club is run. Elected officials overpower the named ones. Laporta is no1 in the club. It's his mandate and I see no problem in making the decisions he sees fit.

No that is not how it works and it is reason so many leave Barca as they dont believe that is how if should work either.

Laporta should not be having a voice on who is renewed and signed to any great extent and if he does then expect qualified people like Planes/Alemany to leave as has happened many times at club recently.

Pathetic stuff to argue Laporta should have the final say on renewals/tranfers etc. Complete lack of understanding of how it should work.

Of course you dont see any issue in it you just change mind to go with whatever Xavi wants anyway.

No wonder no decent coach will ever take the job with this kind of set up.


Senior Member
Not looking forward to Messi coming back when the defense and pressing has demonstrated itself to be so strong.

We need a real SD to make more signings in the mold of the squad. We could challenge for CL with the right signings and a fit squad, why limit yourself at quarters when Milan and Inter both made semis this season?

First, we can't challenge for CL until the financial side is sorted and we can spend like other clubs. Not just one summer, but many summers in a row. Don't think that the other clubs that spend big last summer like Chelsea, or United, are gonna suddenly stop spending like we will.

Barca isn't Sevilla. At this point, this season there was a distinct lack of goals noted. Dembele who is supposedly our best player some say has like 3-4 goals in La Liga. We simply don't score enough. We need players who can create chances and players who can back goals in 20s. 20-25 goals a season at a minimum. No young player can do that.

We are simply in a position were we are already overachieved this season. Once you win the league, you can't propose next season to challenge for the title and finish top 3 or some shit like that. We simply need to roll with it and aim high because we started on a high note.

Need to improve our goalscoring potential in La Liga or else we're not gonna win it again. Madrid will not have another season like this. They always come back after a shit campaign, with more motivation and more focus. Messi signing is aimed exactly at that. The club took notice of the low scoring stats this season.

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