El Gato
Pique and Lenglet played for 1 season together and they now have a good chemistry.
Pique and Umtiti played in the last season and had a good chemistry, but now they haven't played together for half of a season.
Also, short term: Pique is heavy and slow and De light also.
Those two can't play together, right?
De Light could play with Umtiti and Lenglet.
But then, what Wolfe mentions often: you need an older guy and a kid together so that an older guy can teach and lead a kid.
Who will teach De Light? Lenglet?
Technically, you don't need an older guy. You need a more experienced guy with a set of nuts who will lead. That doesn't have to constitute age, i.e. Varane and Umtiti as a duo. Could also speak about Laporte example in City here. Or why Hummels-Subotić duo were as good as they were together.