Matthijs de Ligt


New member
so a random guy on reddit says that he knows someone in Ajax and they're close to finalizing the deal? Strange that no other reliable outlets have reported on this considering the same guy is saying it'll be announced tonight.

if its true, de Ligt is choosing money and joining a club that is in a downward spiral with no CL football and there's nothing we can do about it.


Senior Member
No hard feelings if he goes to United.

It's a terrible move on his behalf. Man Utd are not the top team they once where. Actually, they haven't been a proper top team for like 8 years. He's not going to win the league next year because Man Utd are so far behind City and Liverpool. They can't win the the Champs League next year..... and Man Utd are like 5 world class players and 4 top players from competing. Actually, Pogba is probably leaving in the summer.... De Gea is probably leaving. Their side is average at best. They still have Young there.... lol.

It's just proving he's going there for the money and not because he wants to win trophies. I suppose he's only young, but turning down Barcelona and other top clubs for a club that's not even close to be a top club is stupid.


Senior Member
He may choose money, but its also an ambitious choice. We are not the center of the universe.

Joining Man Utd is not ambitious choice. There's plenty of other better clubs he could have chose. He's just rushing because Utd are offering him £250k a week. Desperate Utd are desperate.

Now, I don't know if it's true or not. But if he has chosen Utd over everyone else, I think it just proves he doesn't care about his career. Utd are at least 4 years away from competing at the top.


Senior Member
United is still a massive club. I still think he will join us, but better United than City/Juventus/Bayern.

Edit: Of course United is an ambitious move. He wont go there expecting United to stay shit. He would want to change things around.


Senior Member

Pogba level IQ and the same manager. He made the worst possible choice. MUN is currently a joke of a club with a joke of a manger. Really disappointed with a brain of 19y old kid who cares only about money. :puke:
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New member
have you seen the current market? 3 more players of De Ligts stature = 3 more players on 250k+ per week to persuade them. add to that De Gea wants more money, the Sanchez debacle and Rashford wanting more. i realize as a PSG fan you are used to endless money but the rest of Europe still have to actually account for money

Barca pay the most wages but alot of that is skewed by Messi. once hes gone we will likely have a wage cap + shitloads of funds hopefully. theres no certainty Griezmann will join btw so lets wait on that

As far as i know PSG is far from having the biggest wages in the world. Even MU pays more in average wages.
MU is known for spending something like 50% of their turnover compared to Barça 70/80+ %.
If they really want they can afford it.

And when i say, de Ligt stature, i don't mean salary wise. They are hot on talent like Sancho or Felix that will cost a lot on fee but not necessarily on wages.


Senior Member
If this is true I am 100% behind our board on this. He was not a necessity and we should never allow to be blackmailed by a stupid cunt Raiola or managers like him.The amount of money we offered to him was fair and he shouldn't be earning more than De Jong.


New member
Yeah if it is true, I wont blame the board. We did everything we can to sign him and us giving 14m a year to a 19 year old is insanity.

I'll wait till its official though. I still hope we can get him on lower wages.

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