Mesut Ozil

La Furia

Legion of Doooom
Last time I was in Barcelona I partied with random Portuguese kids who just finished studying at a French school.

Manuel Traquete

New member
No he does not.

And what El Tren says.

But apparently Mourinho does know French or did.

That's actually not that bad.

Do you still learn French in Portugal (at the school) Manuel?

Oui, bien sûr. Le Français est ma deuxième langue, et l'Anglais ma troisième :D Tout le monde doit avoir au moins trois années de Français à l'école.

So yeah, we do. English is the most people's second language around here, but everyone has at least three years of French at school, where we learn at least the basics. In my case, French is my second language, better than my English, but that's because I spent a lot of time in France and have quite a few French friends.

That said, people who only have the three years at French in high school (which is the majority) aren't exactly very fluent as we really only learn the basics there. So I'd say that most of the Portuguese people know at least a bit of French, but the majority isn't really very fluent.

BTW man, since you're French, you should read this:

It was written after we eliminated Real Madrid last season in the Champions League. It's the most cringeworthy and laughable Barca-hating piece I've ever read, way more than anything the English media ever came up with and could ever come up with. If you ever want a good laugh at the expense of Barca haters, this is the ideal piece.
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New member
Jose might speak 5 languages, but for someone who speaks one romance language as his mother tongue, it's actually not that difficult to learn another romance language.

From Portuguese to Spanish, basically the same language with different pronunciation. Italian? I speak Spanish and can understand Italian pretty well.

So if he actually would be able to learn German, that would be really remarkable, but he won't because that's much more difficult for a romance language speaker


Is it me or is Ozil a choker like Ronaldo?

Idk to be honest. The only big game Real have had since he came in was against us, and every midfielder looks like crap against Xaviniesta and Busi.


New member

Now that's one disturbingly ugly broad.


Active member
Actually I liked him when he was in Bundesliga, but since he came to RM he basically had a 180 degree personality change.


Is it me or is Ozil a choker like Ronaldo?

Well, Ozil is certainly not Mr. Consistency. I've seen him look fantastic for multi-game stretches, but then he can also just disappear. I bet his best years are yet to come.

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