No he does not.
And what El Tren says.
But apparently Mourinho does know French or did.
That's actually not that bad.
Do you still learn French in Portugal (at the school) Manuel?
Oui, bien sûr. Le Français est ma deuxième langue, et l'Anglais ma troisième

Tout le monde doit avoir au moins trois années de Français à l'école.
So yeah, we do. English is the most people's second language around here, but everyone has at least three years of French at school, where we learn at least the basics. In my case, French is my second language, better than my English, but that's because I spent a lot of time in France and have quite a few French friends.
That said, people who only have the three years at French in high school (which is the majority) aren't exactly very fluent as we really only learn the basics there. So I'd say that most of the Portuguese people know at least a bit of French, but the majority isn't really very fluent.
BTW man, since you're French, you should read this:
It was written after we eliminated Real Madrid last season in the Champions League. It's the most cringeworthy and laughable Barca-hating piece I've ever read, way more than anything the English media ever came up with and could ever come up with. If you ever want a good laugh at the expense of Barca haters, this is the ideal piece.