Mesut Ozil


Bomb Dropper
Ah, wasnt aware of that. But sounds too easy, even though Busis strong man marking is indeed a huge factor there. But even drifting to the left flank didnt let him produce sth useful.

yeah coz with his epic frog eyes he can still see Busi out of the corner of his eyes, and is petrified into making mistakes.


el tren

Adolfo Valencia
Should have really come up with that myself as petrification is such a huge part of our game indeed ;)


New member
this dude just choked in el classico again. how many games does he need to fuck up in, in order to be benched in games against us?
shhhh.. let mou keep thinking he's good and productive. love when i see his goofy ass against us cuz i know busi is just going to face him all game


The Messiah
Ive always wondered how Özil communicates at Madrid? Dont tell me that bastard Mourinho speaks German too

el tren

Adolfo Valencia
They will surely have a translator. But Özil and Khedira are also learning spanish. Doubt that any of the two speaks decent english.

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