Nelson Semedo


It's ludicrous to think S Robert is better than Semedo as RB. The only reason the Spaniard gets prio is 'cause Valverde literally has no idea what he's doing 90% of the time.


Senior Member
Poor guy. He should leave. He has no chance here under this clown. Seriously, he could be starting at some other top 10 team. Just as he was starting to improve in offense, he gets benched for the next 4 games.


The Culest
A penny for your thoughts [MENTION=22244]Nothanks[/MENTION] [MENTION=11668]khaled_a_d[/MENTION] [MENTION=22463]Joan Laporta[/MENTION] [MENTION=23192]Messigician[/MENTION] [MENTION=14527]te amo barca[/MENTION] [MENTION=21827]biraboyz[/MENTION]?


Senior Member
Agree 100%. How do you build more confidence If you get benched for every good performance? This is messed up. Poor Semedo.

Can't understand it man. He was named here on Barca forum a top 3 performer both vs Valencia and vs Sevilla, which are pretty hard games. Since then we have played Inter, Real Madrid, Inter again, Rayo and now Betis. Not a single start in any of these games.

So, let me lay out the facts a bit. Roberto get injured, we play Semedo in this period, man plays well with some great performances, showing a growing tendency especially in the last third, then Roberto gets back and basically enters right into the team, thus moving Semedo on the bench not for 1 game, not for 2, but for the next 5 games.

You can't make this shit up, really. Completely fucks Semedo's confidence, basically not allowing him to built any momentum whatsoever.

This fucking clown is separating our squad in clear starters, and clear filler players, whose only purpose is to step in once something bad happens to the starters. Doesn't have any idea about building a solid, functioning core of 17-18 players, which is vital for winning the CL.
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New member
The coward strikes again. Absolutely necessary to start roberto again. If cou wasnt injured not a single change again....
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te amo barca

Blaugrana al vent
A penny for your thoughts [MENTION=22244]Nothanks[/MENTION] [MENTION=11668]khaled_a_d[/MENTION] [MENTION=22463]Joan Laporta[/MENTION] [MENTION=23192]Messigician[/MENTION] [MENTION=14527]te amo barca[/MENTION] [MENTION=21827]biraboyz[/MENTION]?

Roberto had no support from the CMs or Messi in defense. Hard to excel in such situations. But he did have a very bad defensive perfomance even for his standards. Doubt Semedo would have saved us today though.

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