New member
Welcome Besart /// Mirsevjen njeri.
this was really surprising and sweet from ur side...thnx for the welcome-Mire se te gjeta
Welcome Besart /// Mirsevjen njeri.
Comment tu t'apelle?? Je m'apelle Samuel
Hi house, my name is Samuel and am from Nigeria. Am a die hard Culer and in I believe in everything Barca. I believe we will enjoy ourselves here and l want to thank those that made this possible and also to say that am happy to be here. thanks for the warm welcome l received..:flagvl8:
Its ok, in the New Members section we dont mind if u wish to talk another language :smile:
Hi house, my name is Samuel and am from Nigeria. Am a die hard Culer and in I believe in everything Barca. I believe we will enjoy ourselves here and l want to thank those that made this possible and also to say that am happy to be here. thanks for the warm welcome l received..:flagvl8: