Oriol Romeu (loaned to Girona)


Sir Alupp Heynrguson
He played really well actually, had a lot of tackles and blocks in crucial areas, was pretty annoying to watch.


New member
He was doing well here when he played actually, his injury is what ruined things.

He was playing well up to the moment when Villas Boas was sacked, Di Matteo barely played him anymore. Of course not many could foresee this but staying at Barça is usually the safer option.


New member
He was playing well up to the moment when Villas Boas was sacked, Di Matteo barely played him anymore. Of course not many could foresee this but staying at Barça is usually the safer option.

Not really. He was too good to be a back-up for a young Busquets. Most La Masia DMs will have to sacrifice some time if they want to make it here, cause Busquets has many many years to play.


Not really. He was too good to be a back-up for a young Busquets. Most La Masia DMs will have to sacrifice some time if they want to make it here, cause Busquets has many many years to play.

This would be valid had he played a couple of years as a sub to Busi and proved himself on par with him.


Would you stay to be a sub player if you had an offer from Chelsea to play more regularly?

Well it depends if i had to compete with Essien,Mikel and Meireles for a spot i would stay.My point is that he wasn't even used as a sub regularly not because he wasn't good but because he was young.The best thing would be to leave on a loan for a smaller club (like Rafinha) get some playing time,establish himself as a top level player and then consider leaving.


New member
Well it depends if i had to compete with Essien,Mikel and Meireles for a spot i would stay.My point is that he wasn't even used as a sub regularly not because he wasn't good but because he was young.The best thing would be to leave on a loan for a smaller club (like Rafinha) get some playing time,establish himself as a top level player and then consider leaving.

what players do between the ages of 20-23 here at Barca is crucial, especially those coming from la masia. very few will be good enough to go straight into the 1st team, those that do often fail and got their chance mainly because we lacked depth and not because they were any good. the last la masia to really break into the first team is Pedro/busq. The jury is still out on bartra and monta, while thiago left.


what players do between the ages of 20-23 here at Barca is crucial, especially those coming from la masia. very few will be good enough to go straight into the 1st team, those that do often fail and got their chance mainly because we lacked depth and not because they were any good. the last la masia to really break into the first team is Pedro/busq. The jury is still out on bartra and monta, while thiago left.

Well the lack of depth you mention is how Barca works the last years.We don't buy players so la masia products can get their chances.The problem is that not all players react the same.While Pedro come out of nowhere and become a starter almsot instantly Busi on the other hand got much more playtime and enjoyed Pep's support (thank God) although he wasn't better than Yaya at the time.Unfortunately the same cannot be said for Romeu,Bartra,Montoya and Thiago.If any of them enjoyed the support Busi,Alexis,Cesc or Neymar have had from our managers they would probably be ready for first team imo at the present.

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