

Staff member
His attacking contribution can't be disputed. Will have to look again the highlights to see how he did defending as I don't remember him winning possession.
He ads balls to our midfield that's for sure. Like Van Bommel used to in our 2006 campaign. In fact Van Bommel scored often too.


A little bit clumsy on the ball sometimes, but he has found a way to make solid impact in the team... I'm a little disappointed he couldn't score, but his contributions were class anyway...

He caused the red card + penalty.. thatas way more than scoring, since it basically guaranteed our win


New member
Long gone are the days when it was only me and BBZ defending our glorious Big Dick Brazilian.

Edit: + Of course also the Brazilians who actually watched him play.


Senior Member
Paulinho making Kovacic his bitch

<iframe src='' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' width='860' height='190' allowfullscreen></iframe>


Senior Member
I like him. Not as a player in particular, but the man is the perfect example of a player who got his career chance quite late, but is taking it with both hands. Man is an example of professionalism, attitude and winning mentality imo. No wonder he failed at Spurs.

El Flaco

Active member

The video actually have English subtitles if you click on it, although I don't know why it has Spanish title tho.


Senior Member
I like him. Not as a player in particular, but the man is the perfect example of a player who got his career chance quite late, but is taking it with both hands. Man is an example of professionalism, attitude and winning mentality imo. No wonder he failed at Spurs.

Not even wearing my avatar as a joke anymore. I actually like him. Dude knew all the memes and the shit he got, never cared and just genuinely plays good. Not fantastic, but good. I do actually think he's an exemplary professional and I'm really happy it turns out so well for him.


Senior Member
made us eat our words.. he lacks in some qualities but he tries his best and he is confident. those simple things sometimes make you win. i was wrong about him. keep going paulinho


Senior Member
For me he has been the difference maker this season. His off the ball movement is amazing and he covers so much ground. He was everywhere: attack, mid, defense. Great performance.

He is a jack of all trades player that this team has been missing for a long, long time.


New member
Keita 2.0

We actually never truly replaced Seydou Keita in the team ; Alex Song has been a real flop but now, Paulinho is exactly what we needed.

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