Penal Madrid

El Gato

Life has been too good for you haha ��

Don't have to care for finals

Well, some people, like Arturo Vidal for example, talk smack before the final where they expect to see someone and they dont even reach it
Others dont even care a final happened

Call me spoiled eh


You're welcome
Well, some people, like Arturo Vidal for example, talk smack before the final where they expect to see someone and they dont even reach it
Others dont even care a final happened

Call me spoiled eh

Talking smack before the actual game I think is way more respectable than keeping mouth shut winning it and then talking smack. It is the safe way. It is the ultimate after timing. Sure you look like a clown if you get it wrong, but at least it showcases having more balls.

El Gato

Don't deny that
Taking a risk is fun
He took a risk and is now a clown with no redeeming qualities as not only got it wrong, but also fell over on the first hurdle


Senior Member
In the 2016/17 season, Real Madrid scored 15 goals that should not have counted due to offside. In that season they won La Liga and the Champions League, but without those goals they might not have won those competitions.




Senior Member
Yes, we had offside goals, nobody talks about the offside goals against us though.

Bayern also had one, for instance, to take it to extra time, though we had one earlier so you can say that one was fair.

We had decisions for us, but also against.


Senior Member
In the 2016/17 season, Real Madrid scored 15 goals that should not have counted due to offside. In that season they won La Liga and the Champions League, but without those goals they might not have won those competitions.



Relegate them


Senior Member
Disgusting piece of shit thieves.

Can't believe that club has so many fans but since there's a lot of evil people in the world , it doesn't surprise me anymore.

El Gato

It's magic to read this on a Barcaforum 24 hrs after the news broke that a former club president literally paid >1M for referee consultancy

Couldn't make it up


You're welcome
In the 2016/17 season, Real Madrid scored 15 goals that should not have counted due to offside. In that season they won La Liga and the Champions League, but without those goals they might not have won those competitions.



Should be taken with grain of salt. Or at least be put to comparison with instances where they SHOULD’ve been given but not and Barca’s instances of robbery.


Senior Member
Should be taken with grain of salt. Or at least be put to comparison with instances where they SHOULD’ve been given but not and Barca’s instances of robbery.

I don't think we deserved the league that year despite going down to the last matchday
I also think it's the only CL of the last decade that RM actually deserved to win.
So I am not very passionate about it.

Still though, it's another occasion of the cunt club blatantly robbing again others with ref help


Senior Member
Perez is a genius, he saw the first half of the season with Benzema declining/injuried and still thought we didn't need a number 9, or a right-winger for that matter.

Winter transfer-window exists, you know.

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