Penal Madrid

Nope, 4 titles overall, Real Madrid won the league in 2007 and 2008

Still makes no difference, that's not the point. We're talking about how many titles both players have won as CAPTAINS. Ramos WAS NOT THE CAPTAIN FOR REAL MADRID IN ANY OF THE THEIR TITLES BEFORE last year's. Iniesta has one La Liga title AS CAPTAIN as does Ramos.

My post was a direct response to that other clown saying Ramos has won so much more AS CAPTAIN than Iniesta.


New member
Still makes no difference, that's not the point. We're talking about how many titles both players have won as CAPTAINS. Ramos WAS NOT THE CAPTAIN FOR REAL MADRID IN ANY OF THE THEIR TITLES BEFORE last year's. Iniesta has one La Liga title AS CAPTAIN as does Ramos.

My post was a direct response to that other clown saying Ramos has won so much more AS CAPTAIN than Iniesta.

He did. 2 CLs compared to none is 'much more' in my book. Leaving this aside, Ramos is a real leader. The guy has so much character on the pitch that is ridiculous to compare him to a part time captain like iniesta.


World Champion
He has 0 character. He is one of the dumbest players in football, which says a lot considering the average IQ of footballers. He is a wannabe hardman who unnecessarily opens his mouth all the time to try and gain sympathy points as a hardcore Madridista. Daft people mistake it for leadership.

"Hurr durr, step away, Im da leader, lemme take dat penalty."



El Gato

I love how this forum has never lost its lack of substance in the arguments of its users'. Horseface this, clown that. Fuck me what a shitshow :lol:


New member
I love how this forum has never lost its lack of substance in the arguments of its users'. Horseface this, clown that. Fuck me what a shitshow :lol:

Ramos' lack of intelligence and the fact that what he says during the interviews is usually dumb and laughable are solid arguments. You can ignore them all you want, what we are saying is true.


Active member
The post above you did say clown but it also had a fair bit of reasoning and substance and so do many posts before that.

You are just selectively reading stuff.


New member
what in the world are people even arguing iniesta vs ramos lmao

like forget accolades but Spanish people will never forget Iniesta, teenagers now in 50 years will remember who scored the winner for Spains first every world cup..
even our rivals Espanyol love him for his celebration.. the guy is the least controversial top 10 GOAT midfielders.. only Xavi stands infront of him as a greater spanish player and that can be argued

El Gato

The post above you did say clown but it also had a fair bit of reasoning and substance and so do many posts before that.

You are just selectively reading stuff.

Because I didn't really want to delve into the discussion with people of completely unfounded opinion based on infantile belief that every captain absolutely has to have an IQ of a football Einstein. Sure, helps, but isn't a necessity or a leadership quality itself, just a personality trait. Leading, by definition, means people need to follow you into fire, and does NOT involve telling them where exactly they need to be and slate them for doing otherwise in a perfectionist fashion of an intelligent man (like Xavi did for instance). Being an example on the pitch itself does NOT necessarily make you a good team leader when in fact you have a fairly timid personality, unless you're being outspoken and vocal to cut through the PC media bullshit and stay completely loyal to your team (see Iker/Raul/Iniesta as partial examples to that). Ramos does that in his own way, via bailing the team out when they need a lift from an unexpected source, or being there to be called upon when needed as well. No need to believe me, just read what his teammates think of him, be it RM or Spain.

Best examples of captains are Puyol, Lampard, Giggs, Pirlo. Basically those that found a perfect balance between being an inspiration, very smart approach, loyalty and without being a complete cunt. To be a perfect captain you need them all, but to be a leader in captain's role, you only really need one of these traits.

Also, it's not correct to say vice-captains should not be credited for the team's success. If you look anywhere in history, every team that had been a top side in Europe had a solid group of captains, vice and third captains. And that's because where one fails, the other one picks it up, because each one has different traits. Different types of leaders. Exactly why United locker room stayed disciplined for so long during Giggs/Keane/Neville/Scholes era, almost every one of them was different. Similarly, Arsenal had Seaman/Lehmann/Vieira/Bergkamp. Chelsea with Terry/Lampard/Carvalho/Drogba. Milan had Maldini/Nesta/Pirlo/Gattuso/Inzaghi. No need to go through Barca's. And partially why Madrid captains failed to take charge in a locker room full of egos, exactly where senorio approach backfired.
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New member
He has 0 character. He is one of the dumbest players in football, which says a lot considering the average IQ of footballers. He is a wannabe hardman who unnecessarily opens his mouth all the time to try and gain sympathy points as a hardcore Madridista. Daft people mistake it for leadership.

"Hurr durr, step away, Im da leader, lemme take dat penalty."



Wannabe hardman ? LMAO. He is tougher than your entire pussy team combined. Your team's leaders consists of a shy great midfielder who hasn't ever been the go to guy in any team he's played in and mister 'national team is over for me but I'll be back in 2 months'


Best midfielder around
Wannabe hardman ? LMAO. He is tougher than your entire pussy team combined. Your team's leaders consists of a shy great midfielder who hasn't ever been the go to guy in any team he's played in and mister 'national team is over for me but I'll be back in 2 months'



New member
Wannabe hardman ? LMAO. He is tougher than your entire pussy team combined. Your team's leaders consists of a shy great midfielder who hasn't ever been the go to guy in any team he's played in and mister 'national team is over for me but I'll be back in 2 months'

He is so tough that he is usually sent off every 2-3 clasicos.
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Culé de Celestial Empire
Wannabe hardman ? LMAO. He is tougher than your entire pussy team combined. Your team's leaders consists of a shy great midfielder who hasn't ever been the go to guy in any team he's played in and mister 'national team is over for me but I'll be back in 2 months'

Who scored the winner that got Spain the title in 2010? Ramos?

I will say though that the greatest quality of Ramos on the pitch is that he tries his best until the whistle to make an impact either by scoring that crucial late goal or doing something silly to get himself sent off. He does always try and try.

El Gato

He is so tough that he is usually sent off every 2-3 clasicos.

Which matters very, very rarely. When we stopped Lucho team's run of consecutive games without a loss, he got sent off in 83rd minute and 2 mins later Ronaldo scores a winner. If anything, his teams admire the dedication and that he's a risk taker. It's always been a message to the team "if I'm going all out, so should you all".

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